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Enjoy the show,
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Screwdriver And BILL
Hits Like a bored and stroked big V-twin is the hardcore biker right’s talk show that will shift the thoughts and minds of all! Screwdriver is a member of Bikers of Lesser Tolerance, which is a "No Compromise" philosophy that rights cannot ever be negotiated and the west coast Representative of B.A.D (Bikers Against Discrimination)and Bill Kennedy of Kennedy’s Custom Cycles!!! Join us each week as we give you straight talk on what is happening to Bikers on the Left Coast along with what YOU can do to join the cause! Tune in and check us out!!!!
Screwdriver and Bill are hosting “THE BIKERS OF AMERICA, KNOW YOUR RIGHTS” show every Thursday at 9 pm Est/ 6 pm Pac. We invite you to participate by clicking the web address
Here is the Show guide
www.blogtalkradio.com/bikersofamerica. or by calling #347-826-7753 and follow the prompts.
and the Blog can be reached at
Or for direct access, just google screwdriver@alphabiker.com
from there you will get 2 links the radio show and the blog.
You will not want to miss this show!
The next “THE BIKERS OF AMERICA (THE PHIL and BILL SHOW)” will be on Tuesday
MAY/10 / 2011 at 6pm Pacific and 9pm Eastern. AS Well As Thursday MAY/12/2011 night`s 6pm Pacific and 9pm Eastern. We will be featuring different topics Guests from around the World. Bikers Rights, News off the wire and B.O.L.T updates from across the country.
Other potential topics –
• How Bill and I have been involved with over the years;
• The unconstitutional roadside checkpoints;
• The motorcycle only checkpoints;
• The Helmet Law’s Unconstitutional Enforcement;
• Legislation and Politics;
• The Veterans Groups,
• The V.A. Hospitals, and
• Helping Our Brothers and Sisters when asked.
Participation Options: Our show is flexible so we can either control the topic or we will be happy to turn the podium to you. Should you wish to hold the podium, please email me, Screwdriver at Countermeasures Division (strokerz383@gmail.com). Please note that this e-mail address is being protected from spambots so you will need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Let’s Not Forget:
The BikerLowDown Radio Show hosted by Hammerin Hank and The Crew. Call in at 347-237-4874 on Wednesdays at 8pm Est or 5pm Pac at http://www.bikerlowdown.com./ or Hermis Wednesdays at 9 pm Est or 6 pm Pac, www. HERMISLIVE.com.
For broader communication, since these shows are open to the public, please pass this email along to your family and/or friends, who you know are interested in Motorcyclist Rights. Remember the bottom-line; we all have a sincere involvement with knowing, sharing, and/or enhancing our understanding about our rights as members of the biker community so I am asking for you, family, and friends to support the above two (3) shows.
Thank you, in advance, for your anticipated support and participation in these important discussions.
Philip (aka Screwdriver)
BOLT of California
(760) 207-2965 or strokerz383@gmail.com
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For more information about Bikers Of A Lesser Tolerance, please visit http://boltusa.org/ or for California Rights information see http://www.boltofca.com/
Monday, May 9, 2011
1st Annual HOT RODS & HARLEYS May 14th 2011, be there 11am - 3pm
Big love from the lil’ one!
Thanks again,
jessie jaimz gunn
Events & Promotions
Biggs Harley-Davidson®
1040 Los Vallecitos Blvd. #113
San Marcos, CA 92069
c. 858.952.4500
o. 760.481.7300 x122
STURGIS JUMP EVENT, Sturgis bike week from Friday August 5th through Saturday August 13th 2011.
Trigger Gumm, (motorcycle daredevil) has a contract to jump at Sturgis bike week from Friday August 5th through Saturday August 13th 2011. Each day of the rally there will be bike jumps as well as record jumps performed by him on motorcycles. .Trigger has retained Rod and Rusty at Illusiion Motorsports to build a modified HD Sporster for the purpose of breaking the distance jump record on a Harley. The Illusion build team will build the bike at their facility in Westminster, Ca, between now and August 2011. In August Illusion will bring the motorcycle to Sturgis, SD.

Illusion will be modifying one or two HD Sportster motorcycles, changing the suspension, beefing up the frame, and installing XR750 style HD gas tank and fenders to look similar to the bikes Evel Kienevel used to jump with. The paint scheme will be Evels White with the stars and stripes. This will be a highly publicised event with attendance at the campground estimated at 10,000-30,000. This event is the 2nd biggest in the nation annually. Every type of media will be there. The record jump on our Illusion built Harley Davidson will be at midnight right after the Rolling Stones finish their set on the main stage.
History of Buffalo Chip - First Sturgis Campground
The Buffalo Chip Campground, the first biker campground anywhere, came into existence back when Sturgis camping was all in the Sturgis City Park, and was about to be closed by city officials with efforts to eliminate the Sturgis motorcycle gathering. The Sturgis rally was then estimated to have attendance of fewer than 20,000. In 2011, the Sturgis officials estimate the Sturgis Rally attendance will again be approximately half million bikers. Congratulations to the Sturgis Rally bikers and biker babes for keeping the rally alive.
World Class Sturgis Rally Entertainment Starts at the Buffalo Chip Campground
The Buffalo Chip Campground became The Legendary Buffalo Chip after years of promoting a party, creating a venue for world-class entertainment and hosting the absolute best party anywhere. Call it what you will, whether the Sturgis Rally, Sturgis Bike Week, Black Hills Classic, Black Hills Rally, Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, Sturgis Bike Rally, Sturgis Rider Rendezvous or just plain Sturgis, it happens at The Legendary Buffalo Chip.
Illusion Motorsports 15726 Goldenwest Street #F Westminster, Ca. 92683 714-894-1942
Trigger Gumm crashing in his record attempt
and being led to an ambulance.
Illusion will be modifying one or two HD Sportster motorcycles, changing the suspension, beefing up the frame, and installing XR750 style HD gas tank and fenders to look similar to the bikes Evel Kienevel used to jump with. The paint scheme will be Evels White with the stars and stripes. This will be a highly publicised event with attendance at the campground estimated at 10,000-30,000. This event is the 2nd biggest in the nation annually. Every type of media will be there. The record jump on our Illusion built Harley Davidson will be at midnight right after the Rolling Stones finish their set on the main stage.
History of Buffalo Chip - First Sturgis Campground
The Buffalo Chip Campground, the first biker campground anywhere, came into existence back when Sturgis camping was all in the Sturgis City Park, and was about to be closed by city officials with efforts to eliminate the Sturgis motorcycle gathering. The Sturgis rally was then estimated to have attendance of fewer than 20,000. In 2011, the Sturgis officials estimate the Sturgis Rally attendance will again be approximately half million bikers. Congratulations to the Sturgis Rally bikers and biker babes for keeping the rally alive.
World Class Sturgis Rally Entertainment Starts at the Buffalo Chip Campground
The Buffalo Chip Campground became The Legendary Buffalo Chip after years of promoting a party, creating a venue for world-class entertainment and hosting the absolute best party anywhere. Call it what you will, whether the Sturgis Rally, Sturgis Bike Week, Black Hills Classic, Black Hills Rally, Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, Sturgis Bike Rally, Sturgis Rider Rendezvous or just plain Sturgis, it happens at The Legendary Buffalo Chip.
Illusion Motorsports 15726 Goldenwest Street #F Westminster, Ca. 92683 714-894-1942
Trigger Gumm crashing in his record attempt
and being led to an ambulance.
ABATE OF FL~ interesting..ABATE wanted helmet law reenacted!! Read about it!LIKE THE REST OF THE FLORIDIANS, AND THE WORLD, HEY DOC ,WHERE`S THE MONEY?????
How Does Biker Safety Group Spend Taxpayer Money?
ABATE Worked To Overturn Helmet Law..
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- A biker group that claims to promote motorcycle safety also rode to the state Capitol building to lobby lawmakers in an effort to overturn the Florida's helmet law.
A study by the Center for Urban Transportation Research shows that repealing the state's helmet law led to a 33 percent jump in emergency room costs for each motorcycle crash. The state also said 49 percent of crash victims do not have insurance.
The motorcycle group, ABATE, has received nearly $750,000 of public money since 2007 to promote motorcycle safety awareness. The group already received $250,000 this year and it's in line to get another $250,000 next year.
State records show ABATE has turned over receipts for silicone bracelets, calendars, gel pens, eyeglass repair kits, key chains and yard signs, but some bikers think that the taxpayer dollars given to ABATE are simply used to boost fee-based membership.
"The only thing the stickers do is advertise ABATE," a motorcyclist, and voter, by the name of Banshee said. "I feel ripped off."
The state has the authority to audit ABATE, but never has. Present and former members of the group said taxpayers deserve to know more.
"If it's all about taxpayer money, even if you don't ride a motorcycle, this is your money. You should be watching every dime," biker John Herlihy said.
ABATE's president and lobbyist, James Reichanbach, disputed the notion that the group received public money.
"It comes out of our motorcycle money that the motorcyclists pay into," Reichanbach said.
The money does come from motorcycle fees, but the state said that money can be spent on transportation to benefit everyone.
ABATE's tax returns show that under the Governing Documents Disclosure, it lists "No documents available to the public." That bothered Republican Rep. Bryan Nelson, of Apopka, who said he does not want public money spent promoting groups with political agendas.
"It's fine, as long as it's not taxpayer funded," Nelson said.
ABATE does raise safety awareness with videos shown on its website and in high schools that teach young drivers to avoid bikers. It has also sponsored billboards on highways and has run some of the state's biggest toy drives.
"The state organization is doing a great job for the state of Florida," Mike Pope, the president of ABATE's Brevard County chapter, said.
This summer, ABATE will be required to submit its first audit of how the public money is being spent.
Most Popular Stories On WESH.com
Read more: http://www.wesh.com/news/27784832/detail.html#ixzz1LlL1xRcY
How Does Biker Safety Group Spend Taxpayer Money?
ABATE Worked To Overturn Helmet Law..
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- A biker group that claims to promote motorcycle safety also rode to the state Capitol building to lobby lawmakers in an effort to overturn the Florida's helmet law.
A study by the Center for Urban Transportation Research shows that repealing the state's helmet law led to a 33 percent jump in emergency room costs for each motorcycle crash. The state also said 49 percent of crash victims do not have insurance.
The motorcycle group, ABATE, has received nearly $750,000 of public money since 2007 to promote motorcycle safety awareness. The group already received $250,000 this year and it's in line to get another $250,000 next year.
State records show ABATE has turned over receipts for silicone bracelets, calendars, gel pens, eyeglass repair kits, key chains and yard signs, but some bikers think that the taxpayer dollars given to ABATE are simply used to boost fee-based membership.
"The only thing the stickers do is advertise ABATE," a motorcyclist, and voter, by the name of Banshee said. "I feel ripped off."
The state has the authority to audit ABATE, but never has. Present and former members of the group said taxpayers deserve to know more.
"If it's all about taxpayer money, even if you don't ride a motorcycle, this is your money. You should be watching every dime," biker John Herlihy said.
ABATE's president and lobbyist, James Reichanbach, disputed the notion that the group received public money.
"It comes out of our motorcycle money that the motorcyclists pay into," Reichanbach said.
The money does come from motorcycle fees, but the state said that money can be spent on transportation to benefit everyone.
ABATE's tax returns show that under the Governing Documents Disclosure, it lists "No documents available to the public." That bothered Republican Rep. Bryan Nelson, of Apopka, who said he does not want public money spent promoting groups with political agendas.
"It's fine, as long as it's not taxpayer funded," Nelson said.
ABATE does raise safety awareness with videos shown on its website and in high schools that teach young drivers to avoid bikers. It has also sponsored billboards on highways and has run some of the state's biggest toy drives.
"The state organization is doing a great job for the state of Florida," Mike Pope, the president of ABATE's Brevard County chapter, said.
This summer, ABATE will be required to submit its first audit of how the public money is being spent.
Most Popular Stories On WESH.com
Read more: http://www.wesh.com/news/27784832/detail.html#ixzz1LlL1xRcY
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Há assuntos que podem ser esquecidos, mas logo voltam. É o caso do Rio Branco, que foi julgado e absolvido por usar um jogador que supostamente estava com o registro irregular. Ouvi a transmissão da Transamérica, com os excelentes Irapitan Costa e Joyce Carvalho.
Absolveu-se o Rio Branco, por que teria existido culpa concorrente do clube, das federações Paranaense e do Espirito Santo. Esse fundamento de concorrência de culpa cria uma contradição na decisão, trânsito para a reforma.
É o Direito Esportivo sendo de natureza Penal, trata a culpa concorrente como irrelevante para a aplicação da pena. Daí, ao concluir que o Rio Branco, também, concorreu para a irregularidade, o TJD deveria puni-lo. E não com multa, mas com a perda de pontos.
É que se tratando da condição de jogo de um atleta, há a responsabilidade objetiva do clube que o escala irregularmente. A única pergunta que a lei faz é: o atleta estava irregular ou não? Se estava irregular é obrigatória a aplicação da perda dos pontos, só excluindo a responsabilidade do clube se for provada a culpa exclusiva da entidade de administração (federação).
No caso, o TJD reconheceu que todos erraram, inclusive o Rio Branco. O Direito não é ingênuo. Não é razoável reconhecer a culpa do clube e não lhe aplicar uma sanção.
O presidente em exercício do Paraná, Aramis Tissot, está desprezando uma obrigação que o cargo exige: dar uma solução nos contratos em que o presidente licenciado Romani e o conselheiro Renato Trombini, detêm percentual significativo dos direitos sobre vínculos de atletas, entre eles Kelvin e Diego.
O argumento para justificar é que o dirigente que coloca dinheiro no clube tem que ter uma garantia. Concordo. Mas no caso, não se trata de garantia, mas de investimento. Os dirigentes emprestaram 1 milhão de reais e ficaram com um percentual de 50% de Kelvin e de Diego. Só Kelvin custou ao Porto 5 milhões de reais. Sendo titulares de 50% dos direitos, o lucro é extraordinário. Até seria um negócio correto, mas transformando a garantia em investimento há objetivo empobrecimento do Paraná.
De Augusto Mafuz
Absolveu-se o Rio Branco, por que teria existido culpa concorrente do clube, das federações Paranaense e do Espirito Santo. Esse fundamento de concorrência de culpa cria uma contradição na decisão, trânsito para a reforma.
É o Direito Esportivo sendo de natureza Penal, trata a culpa concorrente como irrelevante para a aplicação da pena. Daí, ao concluir que o Rio Branco, também, concorreu para a irregularidade, o TJD deveria puni-lo. E não com multa, mas com a perda de pontos.
É que se tratando da condição de jogo de um atleta, há a responsabilidade objetiva do clube que o escala irregularmente. A única pergunta que a lei faz é: o atleta estava irregular ou não? Se estava irregular é obrigatória a aplicação da perda dos pontos, só excluindo a responsabilidade do clube se for provada a culpa exclusiva da entidade de administração (federação).
No caso, o TJD reconheceu que todos erraram, inclusive o Rio Branco. O Direito não é ingênuo. Não é razoável reconhecer a culpa do clube e não lhe aplicar uma sanção.
O presidente em exercício do Paraná, Aramis Tissot, está desprezando uma obrigação que o cargo exige: dar uma solução nos contratos em que o presidente licenciado Romani e o conselheiro Renato Trombini, detêm percentual significativo dos direitos sobre vínculos de atletas, entre eles Kelvin e Diego.
O argumento para justificar é que o dirigente que coloca dinheiro no clube tem que ter uma garantia. Concordo. Mas no caso, não se trata de garantia, mas de investimento. Os dirigentes emprestaram 1 milhão de reais e ficaram com um percentual de 50% de Kelvin e de Diego. Só Kelvin custou ao Porto 5 milhões de reais. Sendo titulares de 50% dos direitos, o lucro é extraordinário. Até seria um negócio correto, mas transformando a garantia em investimento há objetivo empobrecimento do Paraná.
De Augusto Mafuz
Amazing WWII Aircraft Facts
Amazing WWII Aircraft Facts
No matter how one looks at it, these are incredible statistics. Aside from the figures on aircraft, consider this statement from the article: On average 6600 American service men died per MONTH, during WWII (about 220 a day). And according to Hillary Clintonwe are afraid of losing one aircraft in Libya should a no-fly zone be established [but much too late for that now].
- - - - - -
Most Americans who were not adults during WWII have no understanding of the magnitude of it. This listing of some of the aircraft facts gives a bit of insight to it.
276,000 aircraft manufactured in the US.
43,000 planes lost overseas, including 23,000 in combat.
14,000 lost in the continental U.S.
The US civilian population maintained a dedicated effort for four years, many working long hours seven days per week and often also volunteering for other work. WWII was the largest human effort in history.
Statistics from Flight Journal magazine.
---- The staggering cost of war.
THE PRICE OF VICTORY (cost of an aircraft in WWII dollars)
B-17 $204,370. P-40 $44,892.
B-24 $215,516. P-47 $85,578.
B-25 $142,194. P-51 $51,572.
B-26 $192,426. C-47 $88,574.
B-29 $605,360. PT-17 $15,052.
P-38 $97,147. AT-6 $22,952.
From Germany's invasion of Poland Sept. 1, 1939 and ending with Japan's surrender Sept. 2, 1945 --- 2,433 days. From 1942 onward, America averaged 170 planes lost a day.
How many is a 1,000 planes? B-17 production (12,731) wingtip to wingtip would extend 250 miles. 1,000 B-17s carried 2.5 million gallons of high octane fuel and required 10,000 airmen to fly and fight them.
9.7 billion gallons of gasoline consumed, 1942-1945.
107.8 million hours flown, 1943-1945.
459.7 billion rounds of aircraft ammo fired overseas, 1942-1945.
7.9 million bombs dropped overseas, 1943-1945.
2.3 million combat sorties, 1941-1945 (one sortie = one takeoff).
299,230 aircraft accepted, 1940-1945.
808,471 aircraft engines accepted, 1940-1945.
799,972 propellers accepted, 1940-1945.
Ilyushin IL-2 Sturmovik 36,183
Sources: Rene Francillon, Japanese Aircraft of the Pacific war; Cajus Bekker, The Luftwaffe Diaries; Ray Wagner, American Combat Planes; Wikipedia.
According to the AAF Statistical Digest, in less than four years (December 1941- August 1945), the US Army Air Forces lost 14,903 pilots, aircrew and assorted personnel plus 13,873 airplanes --- inside the continental United States. They were the result of 52,651 aircraft accidents (6,039 involving fatalities) in 45 months.
Think about those numbers. They average 1,170 aircraft accidents per month---- nearly 40 a day. (Less than one accident in four resulted in totaled aircraft, however.)
It gets worse.....
Almost 1,000 Army planes disappeared en route from the US to foreign climes. But an eye-watering 43,581 aircraft were lost overseas including 22,948 on combat missions (18,418 against the Western Axis) and 20,633 attributed to non-combat causes overseas.
In a single 376 plane raid in August 1943, 60 B-17s were shot down. That was a 16 percent loss rate and meant 600 empty bunks in England. In 1942-43 it was statistically impossible for bomber crews to complete a 25-mission tour in Europe.
Pacific theatre losses were far less (4,530 in combat) owing to smaller forces committed. The worst B-29 mission, against Tokyo on May 25, 1945, cost 26 Superfortresses, 5.6 percent of the 464 dispatched from the Marianas.
On average, 6,600 American servicemen died per month during WWII, about 220 a day. By the end of the war, over 40,000 airmen were killed in combat theatres and another 18,000 wounded. Some 12,000 missing men were declared dead, including a number "liberated" by the Soviets but never returned. More than 41,000 were captured, half of the 5,400 held by the Japanese died in captivity, compared with one-tenth in German hands. Total combat casualties were pegged at 121,867.
US manpower made up the deficit. The AAF's peak strength was reached in 1944 with 2,372,000 personnel, nearly twice the previous year's figure.
The losses were huge---but so were production totals. From 1941 through 1945, American industry delivered more than 276,000 military aircraft. That number was enough not only for US Army, Navy and Marine Corps, but for allies as diverse as Britain, Australia, China and Russia. In fact, from 1943 onward, America produced more planes than Britain and Russia combined. And more than Germany and Japan together 1941-45.
However, our enemies took massive losses. Through much of 1944, the Luftwaffe sustained uncontrolled hemorrhaging, reaching 25 percent of aircrews and 40 planes a month. And in late 1944 into 1945, nearly half the pilots in Japanese squadrons had flown fewer than 200 hours. The disparity of two years before had been completely reversed.
Experience Level:
Uncle Sam sent many of his sons to war with absolute minimums of training. Some fighter pilots entered combat in 1942 with less than one hour in their assigned aircraft.
The 357th Fighter Group (often known as The Yoxford Boys) went to England in late 1943 having trained on P-39s. The group never saw a Mustang until shortly before its first combat mission.
A high-time P-51 pilot had 30 hours in type. Many had fewer than five hours. Some had one hour.
With arrival of new aircraft, many combat units transitioned in combat. The attitude was, "They all have a stick and a throttle. Go fly `em." When the famed 4th Fighter Group converted from P-47s to P-51s in February 1944, there was no time to stand down for an orderly transition. The Group commander, Col. Donald Blakeslee, said, "You can learn to fly `51s on the way to the target.
A future P-47 ace said, "I was sent to England to die." He was not alone. Some fighter pilots tucked their wheels in the well on their first combat mission with one previous flight in the aircraft. Meanwhile, many bomber crews were still learning their trade: of Jimmy Doolittle's 15 pilots on the April 1942 Tokyo raid, only five had won their wings before 1941. All but one of the 16 copilots were less than a year out of flight school.
In WWII flying safety took a back seat to combat. The AAF's worst accident rate was recorded by the A-36 Invader version of the P-51: a staggering 274 accidents per 100,000 flying hours. Next worst were the P-39 at 245, the P-40 at 188, and the P-38 at 139. All were Allison powered.
Bomber wrecks were fewer but more expensive. The B-17 and B-24 averaged 30 and 35 accidents per 100,000 flight hours, respectively-- a horrific figure considering that from 1980 to 2000 the Air Force's major mishap rate was less than 2.
The B-29 was even worse at 40; the world's most sophisticated, most capable and most expensive bomber was too urgently needed to stand down for mere safety reasons. The AAF set a reasonably high standard for B-29 pilots, but the desired figures were seldom attained.
The original cadre of the 58th Bomb Wing was to have 400 hours of multi-engine time, but there were not enough experienced pilots to meet the criterion. Only ten percent had overseas experience. Conversely, when a $2.1 billion B-2 crashed in 2008, the Air Force initiated a two-month "safety pause" rather than declare a "stand down", let alone grounding.
The B-29 was no better for maintenance. Though the R3350 was known as a complicated, troublesome power-plant, no more than half the mechanics had previous experience with the Duplex Cyclone. But they made it work.
Perhaps the greatest unsung success story of AAF training was Navigators. The Army graduated some 50,000 during the War. And many had never flown out of sight of land before leaving "Uncle Sugar" for a war zone. Yet the huge majority found their way across oceans and continents without getting lost or running out of fuel --- a stirring tribute to the AAF's educational establishments.
Cadet To Colonel:
It was possible for a flying cadet at the time of Pearl Harbor to finish the war with eagles on his shoulders. That was the record of John D. Landers, a 21-year-old Texan, who was commissioned a second lieutenant on December 12, 1941. He joined his combat squadron with 209 hours total flight time, including 2 in P-40s. He finished the war as a full colonel, commanding an 8th Air Force Group --- at age 24.
As the training pipeline filled up, however those low figures became exceptions.
By early 1944, the average AAF fighter pilot entering combat had logged at least 450 hours, usually including 250 hours in training. At the same time, many captains and first lieutenants claimed over 600 hours.
At its height in mid-1944, the Army Air Forces had 2.6 million people and nearly 80,000 aircraft of all types.
Today the US Air Force employs 327,000 active personnel (plus 170,000 civilians) with 5,500+ manned and perhaps 200 unmanned aircraft.
The 2009 figures represent about 12 percent of the manpower and 7 percent of the airplanes of the WWII peak.
Whether there will ever be another war like that experienced in 1940-45 is doubtful, as fighters and bombers have given way to helicopters and remotely-controlled drones over Afghanistan and Iraq. But within living memory, men left the earth in 1,000-plane formations and fought major battles five miles high, leaving a legacy that remains timeless.
Amazing WWII Aircraft Facts
No matter how one looks at it, these are incredible statistics. Aside from the figures on aircraft, consider this statement from the article: On average 6600 American service men died per MONTH, during WWII (about 220 a day). And according to Hillary Clintonwe are afraid of losing one aircraft in Libya should a no-fly zone be established [but much too late for that now].
- - - - - -
Most Americans who were not adults during WWII have no understanding of the magnitude of it. This listing of some of the aircraft facts gives a bit of insight to it.
276,000 aircraft manufactured in the US.
43,000 planes lost overseas, including 23,000 in combat.
14,000 lost in the continental U.S.
The US civilian population maintained a dedicated effort for four years, many working long hours seven days per week and often also volunteering for other work. WWII was the largest human effort in history.
Statistics from Flight Journal magazine.
---- The staggering cost of war.
THE PRICE OF VICTORY (cost of an aircraft in WWII dollars)
B-17 $204,370. P-40 $44,892.
B-24 $215,516. P-47 $85,578.
B-25 $142,194. P-51 $51,572.
B-26 $192,426. C-47 $88,574.
B-29 $605,360. PT-17 $15,052.
P-38 $97,147. AT-6 $22,952.
From Germany's invasion of Poland Sept. 1, 1939 and ending with Japan's surrender Sept. 2, 1945 --- 2,433 days. From 1942 onward, America averaged 170 planes lost a day.
How many is a 1,000 planes? B-17 production (12,731) wingtip to wingtip would extend 250 miles. 1,000 B-17s carried 2.5 million gallons of high octane fuel and required 10,000 airmen to fly and fight them.
9.7 billion gallons of gasoline consumed, 1942-1945.
107.8 million hours flown, 1943-1945.
459.7 billion rounds of aircraft ammo fired overseas, 1942-1945.
7.9 million bombs dropped overseas, 1943-1945.
2.3 million combat sorties, 1941-1945 (one sortie = one takeoff).
299,230 aircraft accepted, 1940-1945.
808,471 aircraft engines accepted, 1940-1945.
799,972 propellers accepted, 1940-1945.
Ilyushin IL-2 Sturmovik 36,183
Sources: Rene Francillon, Japanese Aircraft of the Pacific war; Cajus Bekker, The Luftwaffe Diaries; Ray Wagner, American Combat Planes; Wikipedia.
According to the AAF Statistical Digest, in less than four years (December 1941- August 1945), the US Army Air Forces lost 14,903 pilots, aircrew and assorted personnel plus 13,873 airplanes --- inside the continental United States. They were the result of 52,651 aircraft accidents (6,039 involving fatalities) in 45 months.
Think about those numbers. They average 1,170 aircraft accidents per month---- nearly 40 a day. (Less than one accident in four resulted in totaled aircraft, however.)
It gets worse.....
Almost 1,000 Army planes disappeared en route from the US to foreign climes. But an eye-watering 43,581 aircraft were lost overseas including 22,948 on combat missions (18,418 against the Western Axis) and 20,633 attributed to non-combat causes overseas.
In a single 376 plane raid in August 1943, 60 B-17s were shot down. That was a 16 percent loss rate and meant 600 empty bunks in England. In 1942-43 it was statistically impossible for bomber crews to complete a 25-mission tour in Europe.
Pacific theatre losses were far less (4,530 in combat) owing to smaller forces committed. The worst B-29 mission, against Tokyo on May 25, 1945, cost 26 Superfortresses, 5.6 percent of the 464 dispatched from the Marianas.
On average, 6,600 American servicemen died per month during WWII, about 220 a day. By the end of the war, over 40,000 airmen were killed in combat theatres and another 18,000 wounded. Some 12,000 missing men were declared dead, including a number "liberated" by the Soviets but never returned. More than 41,000 were captured, half of the 5,400 held by the Japanese died in captivity, compared with one-tenth in German hands. Total combat casualties were pegged at 121,867.
US manpower made up the deficit. The AAF's peak strength was reached in 1944 with 2,372,000 personnel, nearly twice the previous year's figure.
The losses were huge---but so were production totals. From 1941 through 1945, American industry delivered more than 276,000 military aircraft. That number was enough not only for US Army, Navy and Marine Corps, but for allies as diverse as Britain, Australia, China and Russia. In fact, from 1943 onward, America produced more planes than Britain and Russia combined. And more than Germany and Japan together 1941-45.
However, our enemies took massive losses. Through much of 1944, the Luftwaffe sustained uncontrolled hemorrhaging, reaching 25 percent of aircrews and 40 planes a month. And in late 1944 into 1945, nearly half the pilots in Japanese squadrons had flown fewer than 200 hours. The disparity of two years before had been completely reversed.
Experience Level:
Uncle Sam sent many of his sons to war with absolute minimums of training. Some fighter pilots entered combat in 1942 with less than one hour in their assigned aircraft.
The 357th Fighter Group (often known as The Yoxford Boys) went to England in late 1943 having trained on P-39s. The group never saw a Mustang until shortly before its first combat mission.
A high-time P-51 pilot had 30 hours in type. Many had fewer than five hours. Some had one hour.
With arrival of new aircraft, many combat units transitioned in combat. The attitude was, "They all have a stick and a throttle. Go fly `em." When the famed 4th Fighter Group converted from P-47s to P-51s in February 1944, there was no time to stand down for an orderly transition. The Group commander, Col. Donald Blakeslee, said, "You can learn to fly `51s on the way to the target.
A future P-47 ace said, "I was sent to England to die." He was not alone. Some fighter pilots tucked their wheels in the well on their first combat mission with one previous flight in the aircraft. Meanwhile, many bomber crews were still learning their trade: of Jimmy Doolittle's 15 pilots on the April 1942 Tokyo raid, only five had won their wings before 1941. All but one of the 16 copilots were less than a year out of flight school.
In WWII flying safety took a back seat to combat. The AAF's worst accident rate was recorded by the A-36 Invader version of the P-51: a staggering 274 accidents per 100,000 flying hours. Next worst were the P-39 at 245, the P-40 at 188, and the P-38 at 139. All were Allison powered.
Bomber wrecks were fewer but more expensive. The B-17 and B-24 averaged 30 and 35 accidents per 100,000 flight hours, respectively-- a horrific figure considering that from 1980 to 2000 the Air Force's major mishap rate was less than 2.
The B-29 was even worse at 40; the world's most sophisticated, most capable and most expensive bomber was too urgently needed to stand down for mere safety reasons. The AAF set a reasonably high standard for B-29 pilots, but the desired figures were seldom attained.
The original cadre of the 58th Bomb Wing was to have 400 hours of multi-engine time, but there were not enough experienced pilots to meet the criterion. Only ten percent had overseas experience. Conversely, when a $2.1 billion B-2 crashed in 2008, the Air Force initiated a two-month "safety pause" rather than declare a "stand down", let alone grounding.
The B-29 was no better for maintenance. Though the R3350 was known as a complicated, troublesome power-plant, no more than half the mechanics had previous experience with the Duplex Cyclone. But they made it work.
Perhaps the greatest unsung success story of AAF training was Navigators. The Army graduated some 50,000 during the War. And many had never flown out of sight of land before leaving "Uncle Sugar" for a war zone. Yet the huge majority found their way across oceans and continents without getting lost or running out of fuel --- a stirring tribute to the AAF's educational establishments.
Cadet To Colonel:
It was possible for a flying cadet at the time of Pearl Harbor to finish the war with eagles on his shoulders. That was the record of John D. Landers, a 21-year-old Texan, who was commissioned a second lieutenant on December 12, 1941. He joined his combat squadron with 209 hours total flight time, including 2 in P-40s. He finished the war as a full colonel, commanding an 8th Air Force Group --- at age 24.
As the training pipeline filled up, however those low figures became exceptions.
By early 1944, the average AAF fighter pilot entering combat had logged at least 450 hours, usually including 250 hours in training. At the same time, many captains and first lieutenants claimed over 600 hours.
At its height in mid-1944, the Army Air Forces had 2.6 million people and nearly 80,000 aircraft of all types.
Today the US Air Force employs 327,000 active personnel (plus 170,000 civilians) with 5,500+ manned and perhaps 200 unmanned aircraft.
The 2009 figures represent about 12 percent of the manpower and 7 percent of the airplanes of the WWII peak.
Whether there will ever be another war like that experienced in 1940-45 is doubtful, as fighters and bombers have given way to helicopters and remotely-controlled drones over Afghanistan and Iraq. But within living memory, men left the earth in 1,000-plane formations and fought major battles five miles high, leaving a legacy that remains timeless.
O calvário de Rossoni, com direito a choro e ranger de dentes
Nunca antes na história da Assembleia Legislativa tantos deputados ao mesmo tempo são encontrados no plenário. Nunca antes deputados faltosos tiveram descontos no salário. Nunca antes na história, mesmo com 400 funcionários a menos, a Assembleia pode funcionar melhor do que no passado – longínquo e recente. Nunca antes as despesas e os atos oficiais foram publicados on-line e os diários deixaram de ser secretos. Nunca antes 23 aposentados irregulares estiveram a ponto de perder salários de quase R$ 30 mil. Nunca antes, em três meses de exercício financeiro, deixaram de ser gastos R$ 21 milhões...
Estas “proezas” começaram a acontecer a partir de 1.º de fevereiro deste ano, quando assumiu a nova direção da Casa, encabeçada pelo deputado Valdir Rossoni. Mas nunca antes, também, um presidente da Assembleia teve de recorrer a um trio de seguranças pessoais e a contar com mais alguns para cuidar da família – incluindo o neto de 5 anos que só pode ir ao parquinho se, ao seu lado, estiver um brutamontes à espreita de aproximações suspeitas.
O deputado encontra razões de sobra para se proteger dessa forma: com inusitada frequência, ouve ameaças anônimas no celular; os telefones de sua casa, atendidos normalmente pela mulher, são da mesma forma alvos preferenciais de pessoas interessadas em disseminar o terror na família de Rossoni. “Contrariei muitos interesses, acabei com muita roubalheira, demiti muita gente... eu não podia esperar outra coisa”, diz um Rossoni entre conformado e, ao mesmo tempo, com dificuldades para conter lágrimas indefiníveis – se de raiva do enxame de desafetos que conquistou ou de emoção por ver que fatos dessa natureza só estão acontecendo porque, apesar de tudo, está conseguindo cumprir a tarefa de restaurar um mínimo da dignidade que a Assembleia havia perdido há tempos.
É santo?
O colunista pediu a entrevista com o deputado Valdir Rossoni. Ela aconteceu em lugar público, um lotado restaurante tradicional da cidade na quarta-feira à noite. Para quem está acostumado ao contato com personalidades dos mundos da política e da administração pública, lágrimas, vozes trêmulas e alteradas já não chegam a impressionar. O interesse é outro: é aproveitar o momento vulnerável da emoção do entrevistado para tirar-lhe revelações de interesse público e jornalístico.
Por exemplo: Rossoni é já um santo a ponto da canonização e a merecer busto de bronze no saguão de mármore do Palácio 19 de Dezembro? Essa é uma pergunta que o deputado, hoje acusado – também ele! – de ter escondido fantasmas em seu gabinete e nomeado e protegido diretores envolvidos com a velhas práticas da Assembleia, não pode deixar de enfrentar. A menos que, como faz o senador Requião, não resista a ímpetos de xingar o jornalista, torcer-lhe um dedo ou roubar-lhe o gravador.
Rossoni não fez nada disso, mas se mostrou incomodado em ter de se explicar. E se explicou. Explicação que a coluna resume, mas sobre a qual não emite opinião. Citando o caso da mãe de seu diretor (imediatamente demitido) administrativo, Altair Daru, que se declarou na Receita Federal ter sido feita, à sua revelia, fantasma da Assembleia, Rossoni disse que de nada sabia. Quando surgiu a denúncia, mandou investigar e ninguém achou nenhum ato (nem de nomeação, nem de exoneração) que vinculasse o nome da fantasma ao quadro do Legislativo. Decidiu, então, entregar o caso ao Ministério Público.
Sabe, contudo, que seu ex-diretor, o filho da mãe fantasma, sabia. Se sabia, não lhe contou. E, sobretudo por esse motivo, é que foi sumariamente demitido.
“Fogo amigo”
Outros casos do gênero estão surgindo. Há um que envolve a irmã de outro diretor. A esse, quando convidado para assumir o cargo, lhe foi perguntado se seria responsável por qualquer ato fantasmagórico ou nepotístico dentro da Casa. Recebeu desse diretor a afirmação que sim – de fato, teve, no passado, uma irmã que trabalhou na Assembleia, que esteve afastada por uns tempos (recebendo salários), mas que já havia pedido demissão há anos. A resposta, que considerou honesta, convenceu Rossoni a manter a escolha do diretor e a manter também sua vontade de prestigiá-lo caso surgissem denúncias.
As outras perguntas: “O sr. desconfia de pessoas que estão levantando esses casos contra o sr.? O sr. identifica alguém e pode dar os nomes?” Rossoni se recusou a citar nomes, mas diz que já identificou com precisão os autores e sabe dos motivos que as movem a fazer a campanha contra ele. “São deputados?” Foi taxativo: “São deputados; poucos mas são. E também ex-diretores que conhecem muito bem as entranhas da Assembleia. Eu não tenho tempo de tratar do caso deles enquanto não fizer o muito de mais importante que ainda falta.”
Ao leitor: acredite se quiser.
Celso Nascimento / Gazeta do Povo
Estas “proezas” começaram a acontecer a partir de 1.º de fevereiro deste ano, quando assumiu a nova direção da Casa, encabeçada pelo deputado Valdir Rossoni. Mas nunca antes, também, um presidente da Assembleia teve de recorrer a um trio de seguranças pessoais e a contar com mais alguns para cuidar da família – incluindo o neto de 5 anos que só pode ir ao parquinho se, ao seu lado, estiver um brutamontes à espreita de aproximações suspeitas.
O deputado encontra razões de sobra para se proteger dessa forma: com inusitada frequência, ouve ameaças anônimas no celular; os telefones de sua casa, atendidos normalmente pela mulher, são da mesma forma alvos preferenciais de pessoas interessadas em disseminar o terror na família de Rossoni. “Contrariei muitos interesses, acabei com muita roubalheira, demiti muita gente... eu não podia esperar outra coisa”, diz um Rossoni entre conformado e, ao mesmo tempo, com dificuldades para conter lágrimas indefiníveis – se de raiva do enxame de desafetos que conquistou ou de emoção por ver que fatos dessa natureza só estão acontecendo porque, apesar de tudo, está conseguindo cumprir a tarefa de restaurar um mínimo da dignidade que a Assembleia havia perdido há tempos.
É santo?
O colunista pediu a entrevista com o deputado Valdir Rossoni. Ela aconteceu em lugar público, um lotado restaurante tradicional da cidade na quarta-feira à noite. Para quem está acostumado ao contato com personalidades dos mundos da política e da administração pública, lágrimas, vozes trêmulas e alteradas já não chegam a impressionar. O interesse é outro: é aproveitar o momento vulnerável da emoção do entrevistado para tirar-lhe revelações de interesse público e jornalístico.
Por exemplo: Rossoni é já um santo a ponto da canonização e a merecer busto de bronze no saguão de mármore do Palácio 19 de Dezembro? Essa é uma pergunta que o deputado, hoje acusado – também ele! – de ter escondido fantasmas em seu gabinete e nomeado e protegido diretores envolvidos com a velhas práticas da Assembleia, não pode deixar de enfrentar. A menos que, como faz o senador Requião, não resista a ímpetos de xingar o jornalista, torcer-lhe um dedo ou roubar-lhe o gravador.
Rossoni não fez nada disso, mas se mostrou incomodado em ter de se explicar. E se explicou. Explicação que a coluna resume, mas sobre a qual não emite opinião. Citando o caso da mãe de seu diretor (imediatamente demitido) administrativo, Altair Daru, que se declarou na Receita Federal ter sido feita, à sua revelia, fantasma da Assembleia, Rossoni disse que de nada sabia. Quando surgiu a denúncia, mandou investigar e ninguém achou nenhum ato (nem de nomeação, nem de exoneração) que vinculasse o nome da fantasma ao quadro do Legislativo. Decidiu, então, entregar o caso ao Ministério Público.
Sabe, contudo, que seu ex-diretor, o filho da mãe fantasma, sabia. Se sabia, não lhe contou. E, sobretudo por esse motivo, é que foi sumariamente demitido.
“Fogo amigo”
Outros casos do gênero estão surgindo. Há um que envolve a irmã de outro diretor. A esse, quando convidado para assumir o cargo, lhe foi perguntado se seria responsável por qualquer ato fantasmagórico ou nepotístico dentro da Casa. Recebeu desse diretor a afirmação que sim – de fato, teve, no passado, uma irmã que trabalhou na Assembleia, que esteve afastada por uns tempos (recebendo salários), mas que já havia pedido demissão há anos. A resposta, que considerou honesta, convenceu Rossoni a manter a escolha do diretor e a manter também sua vontade de prestigiá-lo caso surgissem denúncias.
As outras perguntas: “O sr. desconfia de pessoas que estão levantando esses casos contra o sr.? O sr. identifica alguém e pode dar os nomes?” Rossoni se recusou a citar nomes, mas diz que já identificou com precisão os autores e sabe dos motivos que as movem a fazer a campanha contra ele. “São deputados?” Foi taxativo: “São deputados; poucos mas são. E também ex-diretores que conhecem muito bem as entranhas da Assembleia. Eu não tenho tempo de tratar do caso deles enquanto não fizer o muito de mais importante que ainda falta.”
Ao leitor: acredite se quiser.
Celso Nascimento / Gazeta do Povo
New Zealand - Electronic bail for gang members..
Five members of the Red Devil motorcycle gxxg have been granted electronic bail, with the judge allowing them three hours outside their house each day to take stress off their families.
The public gallery was full of female supporters and partners of the men in the Nelson District Court yesterday who gasped and wept with joy when Judge Mike Behrens granted the men electronic bail. A security guard passed the women tissues.
Thomas Joseph Bashford, 51, of Motueka; Mark James Lee, 57 of Nelson; Roger Paul Patrick, 50, of Nelson, Russell Phillip Lloyd, 54 and Damian John Stacey, 33, of Brightwater, were yesterday granted electronic bail.
Lloyd and Stacey were in Nelson and allowed out on electronic bail yesterday, but the other three remained in Christchurch and will be freed on electronic bail on Monday.
Colin Chinnock, 52, an apiarist, of Ngatimoti was granted bail by Judge Behrens on Thursday.
The men have been in custody since their arrest in March following a high-profile police raid called Operation Explorer on their Natalie St, Nelson headquarters.
Police arrested 37 people in Operation Explorer and seized 800 items, including 13 motorbikes, 16 firearms and two pipe bombs in the operation after searching several properties in the region.
The arrests were the result of an 18-month police operation, which used electronic surveillance and undercover police officers.
The Red Devils are said to be a puppet gxxg of the international motorcycle gxxg the Hells Angels.
Some of the men yesterday granted bail had previously been denied bail in the Nelson District Court, a decision which was upheld on appeal in the High Court.
Judge Behrens said he believed he could grant electronic bail yesterday as he had different information to the other judges who had refused the men bail.
Judge Behrens said any trial for the men could be 12 or 18 months away and that electronic bail for that time was like a sentence of home detention.
"I'm aware that people on home detention face stresses which can affect and hurt their families."
Judge Behrens said he would give each man a window of three hours each day where they could get out.
He said in particular in families where there had been previous domestic disputes it put extra pressure on families, which could possibly result in more offending by the men.
He set strict conditions on their bail including non-association orders and the men were also required to surrender their passports if they had them.
Speaking outside court, police prosecutor Sergeant Chris Stringer said the three hours each man was allowed into the community would be staggered so they could not meet up.
The men have been charged with various offences including participating in a criminal gang.
Patrick has been charged with a number of offences including drug charges, assault with intent to injure and robbery.
Bashford faces drug charges including offering and conspiring to supply methamphetamine.
Lee faces drug charges, including offering to supply methamphetamine.
Lloyd faces charges involving drugs, receiving and conspiring to injure.
Stacey faces drugs charges, unlawfully possessing a firearm and burglary charges.
Chinook faces drug charges including conspiring to deal the drug pscilocine and unlawfully possessing a firearm.
Five members of the Red Devil motorcycle gxxg have been granted electronic bail, with the judge allowing them three hours outside their house each day to take stress off their families.
The public gallery was full of female supporters and partners of the men in the Nelson District Court yesterday who gasped and wept with joy when Judge Mike Behrens granted the men electronic bail. A security guard passed the women tissues.
Thomas Joseph Bashford, 51, of Motueka; Mark James Lee, 57 of Nelson; Roger Paul Patrick, 50, of Nelson, Russell Phillip Lloyd, 54 and Damian John Stacey, 33, of Brightwater, were yesterday granted electronic bail.
Lloyd and Stacey were in Nelson and allowed out on electronic bail yesterday, but the other three remained in Christchurch and will be freed on electronic bail on Monday.
Colin Chinnock, 52, an apiarist, of Ngatimoti was granted bail by Judge Behrens on Thursday.
The men have been in custody since their arrest in March following a high-profile police raid called Operation Explorer on their Natalie St, Nelson headquarters.
Police arrested 37 people in Operation Explorer and seized 800 items, including 13 motorbikes, 16 firearms and two pipe bombs in the operation after searching several properties in the region.
The arrests were the result of an 18-month police operation, which used electronic surveillance and undercover police officers.
The Red Devils are said to be a puppet gxxg of the international motorcycle gxxg the Hells Angels.
Some of the men yesterday granted bail had previously been denied bail in the Nelson District Court, a decision which was upheld on appeal in the High Court.
Judge Behrens said he believed he could grant electronic bail yesterday as he had different information to the other judges who had refused the men bail.
Judge Behrens said any trial for the men could be 12 or 18 months away and that electronic bail for that time was like a sentence of home detention.
"I'm aware that people on home detention face stresses which can affect and hurt their families."
Judge Behrens said he would give each man a window of three hours each day where they could get out.
He said in particular in families where there had been previous domestic disputes it put extra pressure on families, which could possibly result in more offending by the men.
He set strict conditions on their bail including non-association orders and the men were also required to surrender their passports if they had them.
Speaking outside court, police prosecutor Sergeant Chris Stringer said the three hours each man was allowed into the community would be staggered so they could not meet up.
The men have been charged with various offences including participating in a criminal gang.
Patrick has been charged with a number of offences including drug charges, assault with intent to injure and robbery.
Bashford faces drug charges including offering and conspiring to supply methamphetamine.
Lee faces drug charges, including offering to supply methamphetamine.
Lloyd faces charges involving drugs, receiving and conspiring to injure.
Stacey faces drugs charges, unlawfully possessing a firearm and burglary charges.
Chinook faces drug charges including conspiring to deal the drug pscilocine and unlawfully possessing a firearm.
Canada - Aging biker on trial for careless storage of more than 100 weapons
TORONTO - Johnny Sombrero wears two hats.
But the 76-year-old biker claims Toronto Police only saw the leader of the Black Diamond Riders, not the avid gun collector, when they raided his North York apartment last year and seized his arsenal of firearms.
“My dad gave me my first gun when I was seven years old, a .22, and the police have it right now,” Sombrero testified Friday.
With his long, grey, thinning hair slicked back, starkly contrasting his dark brown beard, the senior slowly made his way to the stand in his silver-tipped boots to defend himself against careless storage of firearms charges.
Sombrero, whose real name is Henry Barnes, founded the BDR in 1951.
He recalled in detail how he formed the motorcycle club with 13 other bikers, all of whom are gone now.
“We were young, tough men,” Sombrero recalled. “The war had just ended” and “in those days there were lots of gang fights.”
BDR members are now in their retirement years, but they were once among the city’s most notorious bike gxxgs.
Sombrero’s memories were just as vivid recalling the day in January 2010, when dozens of officers stormed his 10th-floor apartment where he kept numerous weapons lockers filled with firearms.
A cop called him around 11:20 a.m. saying his car was being broken into. While he thought it was odd, he threw on some clothes and headed out.
“(But) I opened the door and — bam,” Sombrero said, gesturing with his age-spotted, swollen hands, adorned with silver rings.
“This great big fella...came through the door first,” he recalled. “He came crashing through the door and grabbed me by the neck.”
Sombrero, who had just undergone a triple bypass, said he fell backward and Michael Press, a civillian member of the Toronto Police Service landed on his chest breaking his ribs.
He spent much of the next five hours at gunpoint while officers “tore” his home “apart,” Sombrero said.
Police laid 18 counts of careless storage and seized more than 100 machine guns, rifles, handguns and other weapons.
“This is a guy with no criminal record and all his guns were properly registered and stored in lockers,” defence lawyer David Costa said outside court.
The prosecution focused on the “security” of the lockers and the locks used.
The trial continues Tuesday.
Next Saturday, May 14th - Bike Blessing at Mount Soledad ! Come and stand with us at this historic time ! SDHD & BFC team up for this event.
Subject: Next Saturday, May 14th - Bike Blessing at Mount Soledad ! Come and stand with us at this historic time ! SDHD & BFC team up for this event.
From: Fred Z.
Date: Thu, May 5, 2011 at 8:30 AM
Subject: Next Saturday, May 14th - Bike Blessing at Mount Soledad ! Come and stand with us at this historic time ! SDHD & BFC team up for this event.
Please join us at San Diego Harley Davidson - and ride the parade route (about 12 miles) to the cross - the War Memorial. There we will pray and give honor to the freedoms that we enjoy.
Then we'll ride back for a gourmet lunch provided by: "5 Loaves of 2 Fish" and enjoy music by "Union of Saints" - this will be a great day - we'd love to have your support.
Details are on the attached flyer (front and back).
We love and apreciate you all...
Love and Respect,
Pastor Z.
BFC Founder & International Pastor
Bikers for Christ Motorcycle Ministry Intl HQ http://www.bikersforchrist.org/
"Rushing Wind" Outreach Ministries http://www.rushingwindministries.org/
Subject: Next Saturday, May 14th - Bike Blessing at Mount Soledad ! Come and stand with us at this historic time ! SDHD & BFC team up for this event.
From: Fred Z.
Date: Thu, May 5, 2011 at 8:30 AM
Subject: Next Saturday, May 14th - Bike Blessing at Mount Soledad ! Come and stand with us at this historic time ! SDHD & BFC team up for this event.
Please join us at San Diego Harley Davidson - and ride the parade route (about 12 miles) to the cross - the War Memorial. There we will pray and give honor to the freedoms that we enjoy.
Then we'll ride back for a gourmet lunch provided by: "5 Loaves of 2 Fish" and enjoy music by "Union of Saints" - this will be a great day - we'd love to have your support.
Details are on the attached flyer (front and back).
We love and apreciate you all...
Love and Respect,
Pastor Z.
BFC Founder & International Pastor
Bikers for Christ Motorcycle Ministry Intl HQ http://www.bikersforchrist.org/
"Rushing Wind" Outreach Ministries http://www.rushingwindministries.org/
You Gotta Have Heart !
By John Del Santo
“Oh No ! Elizabeth, This is the BIG One” ! Most of us have heard about heart attacks, and some of us have experienced them or the results of them with family or friends. How the situation ends up can often depend on what we know and how we use it.
If I started feeling like someone parked a motorcycle on my chest, it would make me feel a bit better knowing that someone I ride with, or live with, had taken a CPR class in the not-too-distant past. There have been some changes in the method of administering CPR. You could arrange a class within your group, or call a local hospital and ask if they know of a CPR class happening somewhere in town. Doing a search on your computer will show you a whole list of local classes. They usually only cost a couple of bucks, (less than a new piece of chrome) and having that kind of information, knowing that you have the ability to save the life of a family member or friend, can give you a good feeling. You can carry a small bottle of children’s chewable aspirins on your bike or in your first aid kit…The word is that chewing on three of these little babies could even stop a heart attack that’s already in motion. This could give someone time to get to the hospital before it’s too late. We can do preventative maintenance on ourselves by getting a check-up, and if our blood pressure is too high or cholesterol count is out of whack, we could get ourselves into better shape….climb some stairs, throw away some cigarettes. Being in good shape is not a surefire guarantee though, because heart problems can happen to someone who looks like the least likely candidate. Want some more info ? Check out http://www.americanheart.org/.
The movie image of a heart attack is a middle-aged man clutching his chest and falling over onto the kitchen table…Heart attacks are not just a “guy thing”, they are The Number One killer of women ! Recent research has shown that women can show completely different symptoms or warning signals, than the traditional signs that we expect to see in a heart attack victim. Some of the signs that women will feel are sweating profusely; dizziness; vomiting and diarrhea; a bloating just below the sternum; or high gastric pain. Some of the typical male warning signals include: Pain in the left arm and chest; a little ache that can radiate to the back and one or both arms; and aching in the jaw or neck, then squeezing , burning and crushing. Not all signs occur with every heart attack, and most will start slowly. Sometimes they go away and then return. On the road we react quickly to brake lights coming on in front of us, and we try to react in the correct manner….We should do the same thing in the presence of cardiac warning signs…CALL 9-1-1 fast ! Many people experience the beginning signs of a heart attack, mistake the signs for food poisoning or indigestion and then the don’t follow up. Toughing it out may be an admirable trait in most parts of our life…but we need to use common sense in matters of the heart, and don’t get carried away…(you know, by six of your best friends). Knowledge is Power. Ride Healthy, Ride Straight and Ride Safe.
John Del Santo
( 619 ) 223-0421
By John Del Santo
“Oh No ! Elizabeth, This is the BIG One” ! Most of us have heard about heart attacks, and some of us have experienced them or the results of them with family or friends. How the situation ends up can often depend on what we know and how we use it.
If I started feeling like someone parked a motorcycle on my chest, it would make me feel a bit better knowing that someone I ride with, or live with, had taken a CPR class in the not-too-distant past. There have been some changes in the method of administering CPR. You could arrange a class within your group, or call a local hospital and ask if they know of a CPR class happening somewhere in town. Doing a search on your computer will show you a whole list of local classes. They usually only cost a couple of bucks, (less than a new piece of chrome) and having that kind of information, knowing that you have the ability to save the life of a family member or friend, can give you a good feeling. You can carry a small bottle of children’s chewable aspirins on your bike or in your first aid kit…The word is that chewing on three of these little babies could even stop a heart attack that’s already in motion. This could give someone time to get to the hospital before it’s too late. We can do preventative maintenance on ourselves by getting a check-up, and if our blood pressure is too high or cholesterol count is out of whack, we could get ourselves into better shape….climb some stairs, throw away some cigarettes. Being in good shape is not a surefire guarantee though, because heart problems can happen to someone who looks like the least likely candidate. Want some more info ? Check out http://www.americanheart.org/.
The movie image of a heart attack is a middle-aged man clutching his chest and falling over onto the kitchen table…Heart attacks are not just a “guy thing”, they are The Number One killer of women ! Recent research has shown that women can show completely different symptoms or warning signals, than the traditional signs that we expect to see in a heart attack victim. Some of the signs that women will feel are sweating profusely; dizziness; vomiting and diarrhea; a bloating just below the sternum; or high gastric pain. Some of the typical male warning signals include: Pain in the left arm and chest; a little ache that can radiate to the back and one or both arms; and aching in the jaw or neck, then squeezing , burning and crushing. Not all signs occur with every heart attack, and most will start slowly. Sometimes they go away and then return. On the road we react quickly to brake lights coming on in front of us, and we try to react in the correct manner….We should do the same thing in the presence of cardiac warning signs…CALL 9-1-1 fast ! Many people experience the beginning signs of a heart attack, mistake the signs for food poisoning or indigestion and then the don’t follow up. Toughing it out may be an admirable trait in most parts of our life…but we need to use common sense in matters of the heart, and don’t get carried away…(you know, by six of your best friends). Knowledge is Power. Ride Healthy, Ride Straight and Ride Safe.
John Del Santo
( 619 ) 223-0421
Chicago - Man shoots at wife, MacArthur goes on lockdown..
By Carrie Napoleon
CEDAR LAKE — A self-described member of the Hell’s Angels motorcycle gang surrendered to police without incident Friday after barricading himself in his home after trying to shoot his wife.
The standoff forced the lockdown of MacArthur Elementary School for 30 minutes as a precaution.
The school is about two blocks away from where the incident occurred, according to Cedar Lake Police Chief Roger Patz.
Leslie M. Falk, 40, who lives in the 6800 block of W. 128th Ave., barricaded himself in his home after police responded to a call around 11:07 a.m. about the shooting incident, Patz said.
Renate Falk, the suspect’s wife, told police her husband said she was going to die today before choking her and firing a gun at her. Patz said the victim was not shot in the incident, but did have finger marks around her neck.
Detective Sgt. Keith Wood was able to speak to the man by telephone and made several attempts to talk him into surrendering to police.
At first Falk responded by locking the doors to the house. Wood ultimately was able to talk the man into surrendering. Falk walked out of the house unarmed and surrendered to police. The whole incident lasted about 45 minutes.
The Lake County Sheriff’s Police SWAT Team was requested at the scene, but was called off after Falk surrendered.
Falk is being held at the Lake County Jail on charges of domestic battery, criminal recklessness and attempted murder. He was first checked out for chest pain at St. Anthony Medical Center in Crown Point.
The criminal recklessness charges stems from the gunshot.
“The shot was fired while there was a young child in the house,” Patz said.
Police have found the bullet hole and are still searching for the handgun.
CA - REGION: Escondido and Oceanside police to get military-grade vehicles
By MORGAN COOK - mcook@nctimes.com
North County Times - The Californian |
The Escondido Police Department\\\'s SWAT vehicle was parked Wednesday at police headquarters. The 30-year-old Cadillac Gage Peacekeeper will be replaced by a Lenco BearCat probably sometime this year.
The same armored vehicle the federal government uses to protect military bases and personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan could soon be hitting the streets of Escondido and Oceanside, authorities say.
The county plans to buy two 16,000-pound BearCat vehicles ---- each capable of stopping improvised explosive devices, mortar blasts and heavy concentrations of combat arms fire ---- for about $250,000 apiece, using a grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, authorities said.
At least 10 people can fit in the vehicle, which is made of military-grade steel armor plate and looks like a large SUV, according to the manufacturer.
The Escondido and Oceanside Police Departments each would get a BearCat to use and share with any regional agency that needed it.
The Escondido City Council gave police permission on April 13 to accept the county's federal grant funds and order the BearCat. The Oceanside Police Department has not yet asked the Oceanside City Council to accept the federal money.
The BearCat could arrive at the Escondido Police Department as soon as this fall, authorities said.
Are these vehicles necessary?
Police say the vehicles will keep officers safe and could save lives in dangerous situations, but some have questioned whether the vehicles are necessary for police officers who should be more like helpful neighbors than soldiers.
"In situations where a suspect is barricaded and hostage situations, we're going to have to get close enough to deploy," Oceanside Police Department Sgt. Jeff Brandt said. "This gives us the luxury to do that. We could drive pretty much wherever we want."
Escondido City Councilwoman Olga Diaz said during a council meeting April 13 that it seemed the expensive vehicles would be needed only in extreme situations, and she asked when police last needed such a powerful tool.
"Last time we needed one was probably less than a couple of weeks ago," Escondido Police Department Capt. Bob Benton said. "We did a warrant service on a gentleman who had a lot of high-powered weapons."
Police had to call for the San Diego County Sheriff's Department's BearCat and wait for it to be driven up from San Diego, he said.
Lt. Craig Carter said Tuesday that no shots were fired during the warrant service.
He said the department called for the BearCat because it had more reliable armor, and the department's existing SWAT vehicle was too small to carry the people and equipment police needed.
The SWAT vehicle ---- an approximately 30-year-old Cadillac Gage Peacekeeper the department bought secondhand from the Sheriff's Department in 2009 for $1 ---- also is used by the military, he said.
Carter said he didn't know if the department would keep the existing SWAT vehicle once the BearCat arrives.
'If we don't use it, it will go to someone else'
Diaz voted along with the rest of the council to order the BearCat, but she said last week that she was uneasy about police using the vehicle for more everyday tasks such as serving warrants.
"Military equipment is meant to be used in times of war, and never against United States citizens," she said. "I would just hate to blur that line."
Massachusetts-based Lenco Armored Vehicles makes the BearCat for use by police SWAT teams, but it is also used by the military, according to press materials the company provided to the North County Times. Military police and security teams use the BearCat for patrol and protection on military bases, and the U.S. Department of Justice uses the vehicles to protect personnel in war zones.
More than 300 law enforcement agencies around the country use BearCats, and many reportedly buy them with federal grants.
Users can click a button on the Lenco website to get help writing grants, including a "free Grant Writing Help Guide."
Escondido Mayor Sam Abed said last week that federal grants are a help when it comes to buying specialized equipment the city may not otherwise be able to afford.
"If you ask me, 'Should we use the general fund to do this (buy a BearCat),' I say no, but this is federal government money," he said. "If we don't use it, it will go to someone else. I would rather have a piece of equipment the police can use to save lives."
Carter said a police SWAT vehicle has never been fired upon in the 20 years he has been at the department, but police have encountered high-powered weapons during SWAT operations in the past.
For example, in March 2006, two officers were involved in a gun battle with a distraught 75-year-old man who was wielding an AK-47 assault rifle in a senior apartment complex in the 500 block of North Midway Drive.
He said police have confiscated such high-powered weapons after other SWAT calls, but he did not release specific numbers or incidents.
"Just because they (suspects) are not using them, doesn't mean they're not there," he said of high-powered weapons in the community.
'Does not make you safer'
But whether having a BearCat makes police better able to save lives is a claim that criminal justice experts have questioned.
"It's all an illusion," said Jim Fisher, a former professor of criminal justice at Edinboro University in Edinboro, Pa., and author of a book on SWAT teams. He was quoted in a March 11 news article.
"The fact your police department just bought an armored vehicle does not make you safer. It's going to make you poorer, because your taxes will go up to pay for training and maintenance," he said.
Police said maintenance will probably cost about $300 a month for the three years the vehicle is under warranty. They did not provide an estimate of costs after the warranty expired.
Brandt and Carter said staff and training will probably not be an extra expense because officers are already required to take courses to use the departments' existing SWAT vehicles.
Brandt said the equipment would be worth its cost if a serious situation arose.
"It's one of those pieces of equipment you hope you never need," he said. "But if you need it, you have to have it."
Call staff writer Morgan Cook at 760-739-6675.
The county plans to buy two 16,000-pound BearCat vehicles ---- each capable of stopping improvised explosive devices, mortar blasts and heavy concentrations of combat arms fire ---- for about $250,000 apiece, using a grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, authorities said.
At least 10 people can fit in the vehicle, which is made of military-grade steel armor plate and looks like a large SUV, according to the manufacturer.
The Escondido and Oceanside Police Departments each would get a BearCat to use and share with any regional agency that needed it.
The Escondido City Council gave police permission on April 13 to accept the county's federal grant funds and order the BearCat. The Oceanside Police Department has not yet asked the Oceanside City Council to accept the federal money.
The BearCat could arrive at the Escondido Police Department as soon as this fall, authorities said.
Are these vehicles necessary?
Police say the vehicles will keep officers safe and could save lives in dangerous situations, but some have questioned whether the vehicles are necessary for police officers who should be more like helpful neighbors than soldiers.
"In situations where a suspect is barricaded and hostage situations, we're going to have to get close enough to deploy," Oceanside Police Department Sgt. Jeff Brandt said. "This gives us the luxury to do that. We could drive pretty much wherever we want."
Escondido City Councilwoman Olga Diaz said during a council meeting April 13 that it seemed the expensive vehicles would be needed only in extreme situations, and she asked when police last needed such a powerful tool.
"Last time we needed one was probably less than a couple of weeks ago," Escondido Police Department Capt. Bob Benton said. "We did a warrant service on a gentleman who had a lot of high-powered weapons."
Police had to call for the San Diego County Sheriff's Department's BearCat and wait for it to be driven up from San Diego, he said.
Lt. Craig Carter said Tuesday that no shots were fired during the warrant service.
He said the department called for the BearCat because it had more reliable armor, and the department's existing SWAT vehicle was too small to carry the people and equipment police needed.
The SWAT vehicle ---- an approximately 30-year-old Cadillac Gage Peacekeeper the department bought secondhand from the Sheriff's Department in 2009 for $1 ---- also is used by the military, he said.
Carter said he didn't know if the department would keep the existing SWAT vehicle once the BearCat arrives.
'If we don't use it, it will go to someone else'
Diaz voted along with the rest of the council to order the BearCat, but she said last week that she was uneasy about police using the vehicle for more everyday tasks such as serving warrants.
"Military equipment is meant to be used in times of war, and never against United States citizens," she said. "I would just hate to blur that line."
Massachusetts-based Lenco Armored Vehicles makes the BearCat for use by police SWAT teams, but it is also used by the military, according to press materials the company provided to the North County Times. Military police and security teams use the BearCat for patrol and protection on military bases, and the U.S. Department of Justice uses the vehicles to protect personnel in war zones.
More than 300 law enforcement agencies around the country use BearCats, and many reportedly buy them with federal grants.
Users can click a button on the Lenco website to get help writing grants, including a "free Grant Writing Help Guide."
Escondido Mayor Sam Abed said last week that federal grants are a help when it comes to buying specialized equipment the city may not otherwise be able to afford.
"If you ask me, 'Should we use the general fund to do this (buy a BearCat),' I say no, but this is federal government money," he said. "If we don't use it, it will go to someone else. I would rather have a piece of equipment the police can use to save lives."
Carter said a police SWAT vehicle has never been fired upon in the 20 years he has been at the department, but police have encountered high-powered weapons during SWAT operations in the past.
For example, in March 2006, two officers were involved in a gun battle with a distraught 75-year-old man who was wielding an AK-47 assault rifle in a senior apartment complex in the 500 block of North Midway Drive.
He said police have confiscated such high-powered weapons after other SWAT calls, but he did not release specific numbers or incidents.
"Just because they (suspects) are not using them, doesn't mean they're not there," he said of high-powered weapons in the community.
'Does not make you safer'
But whether having a BearCat makes police better able to save lives is a claim that criminal justice experts have questioned.
"It's all an illusion," said Jim Fisher, a former professor of criminal justice at Edinboro University in Edinboro, Pa., and author of a book on SWAT teams. He was quoted in a March 11 news article.
"The fact your police department just bought an armored vehicle does not make you safer. It's going to make you poorer, because your taxes will go up to pay for training and maintenance," he said.
Police said maintenance will probably cost about $300 a month for the three years the vehicle is under warranty. They did not provide an estimate of costs after the warranty expired.
Brandt and Carter said staff and training will probably not be an extra expense because officers are already required to take courses to use the departments' existing SWAT vehicles.
Brandt said the equipment would be worth its cost if a serious situation arose.
"It's one of those pieces of equipment you hope you never need," he said. "But if you need it, you have to have it."
Call staff writer Morgan Cook at 760-739-6675.
Illusioncycles/Sturgis PressKit
Be Sure You Tell Them you saw It HERE......
Hi Philip,
Can you blast out this presskit for us, we are trying to raise as much funds for this bike build we are doing for the guinness world record attempt. If you can help us in anyway with the sponsorships we will take care of you with a percentage/finders fee.
Thanks brother, hope all is well.
RJ Valdez
Arjay Management
Cell: (714) 404-3119
Email: rj@1605.com
Be Sure You Tell Them you saw It HERE......
Hi Philip,
Can you blast out this presskit for us, we are trying to raise as much funds for this bike build we are doing for the guinness world record attempt. If you can help us in anyway with the sponsorships we will take care of you with a percentage/finders fee.
Thanks brother, hope all is well.
RJ Valdez
Arjay Management
Cell: (714) 404-3119
Email: rj@1605.com
Australia - Police target Comanchero national ride – South Coast
Police have targeted members of the ‘Comanchero’ Outlaw Motorcycle Gang (OMCG) who were participating in a national ride yesterday (Saturday 7 May).
Officers from Strike Force Raptor conducted a vehicle stop of 17 motorcycles and two support vehicles about 3.30pm at Bewong, south of Nowra, as members of two Victorian chapters travelled north.
Officers from Southern Region Highway Patrol, Traffic Services, the Middle Eastern and Organised Crime Squad, the Public Order and Riot Squad and the Dog Unit also participated and were assisted by the Roads and Traffic Authority.
All riders and drivers were breath tested and each vehicle was checked for road-worthiness.
Seven traffic infringement notices, three defect infringement notices and three Department of Environment and Climate notices were issued.
Two motorcycles received red defect notices, meaning they could not be ridden from the area, and one senior OMCG member was issued with a licence suspension notice.
Earlier in the day, officers also stopped a member of the ‘Fourth Reich’ OMCG and issued two traffic infringement notices.
Police are continuing to monitor the activities of OMCG members as they continue with their national ride.
Strike Force Raptor was established by the State Crime Command’s Gangs Squad in 2009 and is a proactive and high-impact operation targeting outlaw motorcycle gangs and their alleged associated criminal enterprises.
Police have targeted members of the ‘Comanchero’ Outlaw Motorcycle Gang (OMCG) who were participating in a national ride yesterday (Saturday 7 May).
Officers from Strike Force Raptor conducted a vehicle stop of 17 motorcycles and two support vehicles about 3.30pm at Bewong, south of Nowra, as members of two Victorian chapters travelled north.
Officers from Southern Region Highway Patrol, Traffic Services, the Middle Eastern and Organised Crime Squad, the Public Order and Riot Squad and the Dog Unit also participated and were assisted by the Roads and Traffic Authority.
All riders and drivers were breath tested and each vehicle was checked for road-worthiness.
Seven traffic infringement notices, three defect infringement notices and three Department of Environment and Climate notices were issued.
Two motorcycles received red defect notices, meaning they could not be ridden from the area, and one senior OMCG member was issued with a licence suspension notice.
Earlier in the day, officers also stopped a member of the ‘Fourth Reich’ OMCG and issued two traffic infringement notices.
Police are continuing to monitor the activities of OMCG members as they continue with their national ride.
Strike Force Raptor was established by the State Crime Command’s Gangs Squad in 2009 and is a proactive and high-impact operation targeting outlaw motorcycle gangs and their alleged associated criminal enterprises.
How Does Biker Safety Group Spend Taxpayer Money ?.. ABATE Worked To Overturn Helmet Law..
How Does Biker Safety Group Spend Taxpayer Money?
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- A biker group that claims to promote motorcycle safety also rode to the state Capitol building to lobby lawmakers in an effort to overturn the Florida's helmet law.
A study by the Center for Urban Transportation Research shows that Repealing the state's helmet law led to a 33 percent jump in emergency room costs for each motorcycle crash. The state also said 49 percent of crash victims do not have insurance.
The motorcycle group, ABATE, has received nearly $750,000 of public money since 2007 to promote motorcycle safety awareness. The group already received $250,000 this year and it's in line to get another $250,000 next year.
State records show ABATE has turned over receipts for silicone bracelets, calendars, gel pens, eyeglass repair kits, key chains and yard signs, but some bikers think that the taxpayer dollars given to ABATE are simply used to boost fee-based membership.
"The only thing the stickers do is advertise ABATE," a motorcyclist, and voter, by the name of Banshee said. "I feel ripped off."
The state has the authority to audit ABATE, but never has. Present and former members of the group said taxpayers deserve to know more.
"If it's all about taxpayer money, even if you don't ride a motorcycle, this is your money. You should be watching every dime," biker John Herlihy said.
ABATE's president and lobbyist, James Reichanbach, disputed the notion that the group received public money.
"It comes out of our motorcycle money that the motorcyclists pay into," Reichanbach said.
The money does come from motorcycle fees, but the state said that money can be spent on transportation to benefit everyone.
ABATE's tax returns show that under the Governing Documents Disclosure, it lists "No documents available to the public." That bothered Republican Rep. Bryan Nelson, of Apopka, who said he does not want public money spent promoting groups with political agendas.
"It's fine, as long as it's not taxpayer funded," Nelson said.
ABATE does raise safety awareness with videos shown on its website and in high schools that teach young drivers to avoid bikers. It has also sponsored billboards on highways and has run some of the state's biggest toy drives.
"The state organization is doing a great job for the state of Florida," Mike Pope, the president of ABATE's Brevard County chapter, said.
This summer, ABATE will be required to submit its first audit of how the public money is being spent.
Read more: http://www.wesh.com/news/27784832/detail.html#ixzz1LfxjEk77
A study by the Center for Urban Transportation Research shows that Repealing the state's helmet law led to a 33 percent jump in emergency room costs for each motorcycle crash. The state also said 49 percent of crash victims do not have insurance.
The motorcycle group, ABATE, has received nearly $750,000 of public money since 2007 to promote motorcycle safety awareness. The group already received $250,000 this year and it's in line to get another $250,000 next year.
State records show ABATE has turned over receipts for silicone bracelets, calendars, gel pens, eyeglass repair kits, key chains and yard signs, but some bikers think that the taxpayer dollars given to ABATE are simply used to boost fee-based membership.
"The only thing the stickers do is advertise ABATE," a motorcyclist, and voter, by the name of Banshee said. "I feel ripped off."
The state has the authority to audit ABATE, but never has. Present and former members of the group said taxpayers deserve to know more.
"If it's all about taxpayer money, even if you don't ride a motorcycle, this is your money. You should be watching every dime," biker John Herlihy said.
ABATE's president and lobbyist, James Reichanbach, disputed the notion that the group received public money.
"It comes out of our motorcycle money that the motorcyclists pay into," Reichanbach said.
The money does come from motorcycle fees, but the state said that money can be spent on transportation to benefit everyone.
ABATE's tax returns show that under the Governing Documents Disclosure, it lists "No documents available to the public." That bothered Republican Rep. Bryan Nelson, of Apopka, who said he does not want public money spent promoting groups with political agendas.
"It's fine, as long as it's not taxpayer funded," Nelson said.
ABATE does raise safety awareness with videos shown on its website and in high schools that teach young drivers to avoid bikers. It has also sponsored billboards on highways and has run some of the state's biggest toy drives.
"The state organization is doing a great job for the state of Florida," Mike Pope, the president of ABATE's Brevard County chapter, said.
This summer, ABATE will be required to submit its first audit of how the public money is being spent.
Read more: http://www.wesh.com/news/27784832/detail.html#ixzz1LfxjEk77
TV show about ABATE of Florida Were's the money Doc, WESH, ORlando ABATE of FLorida the video is up
WESH TV - http://www.wesh.com/news/27784832/detail.html
Rock Show Fundraising Event Benefitting the Victims and Family Members Involved in the October Saddletramps Motorcycle Accident
Dear Bill & Phil,
I have attached a local media release and an event flyer, for your use. Please feel free to post it on your website calendar, etc.
We’d love to see you there!
Please contact Chris Waddell 760-315-3699, for more information.
Thank you,
Erica McGrath for Given Life
For Immediate Release:
Rock Show Fundraising Event Benefitting the Victims and Family Members Involved in the October Saddletramps Motorcycle Accident
April 22, 2011 (San Diego, CA) – A rock show and fundraising event will be held at the Ramona Mainstage from 6:00pm until 9:30pm on Saturday the 21st of May, 2011. Local bands Given Life and Internationally famed rockers, Cage9, have committed themselves to raising $10,000 in charitable donations to help recover and rebuild the lives of the victims and families involved in the October fatal crash involving the Saddletramps Motorcycle Club. Ramona Mainstage is an all age’s venue and is located at 626 Main Street in Ramona, CA 92095. Advance purchase tickets for the benefit show available online at: http://www.ramonamainstage.com/
Given Life is a Southern California based, progressive hard rock group. They have written 40 original songs together with 12 recorded on their original recording titled ‘These Days’. The band brought in producer Fred Archambault (Avenged Sevenfold, Deftones, The Confession) for the recording sessions on their new self-titled CD. Regarding the new lead single “Can’t Wait to be You” —It’s a sarcastic statement directed at those who shall remain nameless who’ve achieved success via ill gotten gains, stepping on the little people. After all, you reap what you sew.” — Ryan Holmes, Vocalist for Given Life
“Given Life has a very hard hitting, high energy rock sound that reminds me of Saliva and Static X. His voice and the way they play remind me tremendously of TOOL. If old school metal (and not talking to you people who think Poison was metal) is your bag and the current scene is something you look toward then I would really have to suggest checking out Given Life. If I have to rank it I'll have to give it a very solid 9.5/10”. — Michael Johnson of HOT INDIE NEWS .com
Cage9 opens up for Ozzy Osbourne at the Figali Convention Center in Panama, this week. USA Today— “the initial impact could cause whiplash, but this Panamanian rock band makes great use of subtlety too, like the layered guitars and the falsetto that kicks in just when you expect a scream.” “Hearts & Stars” can be heard on the latest version of the video game “MX vs. ATV Untamed.” The quartet can also be heard in the soundtrack of WWE Stone Cold Steve Austin’s new move “The Condemned,” in the trailer for the “Dukes of Hazzard” movie, as well as on FX’s “The Shield,” “American Pie: Band Camp,” and Stephen J. Cannell’s thriller “Demon Hunter.” Cage9 has performed on cable & satellite G4’s “Attack of the Show,” subscribed to by over 55 million households nationwide.
The band has been mentioned in Campus Circle, Hits, Music Connection, Skinnie Magazine and Billboard, as well as in Rolling Stone (Latin America) where Cage9’s last E.P. received a cool 3.5 star review. Radio playlists spinning Cage9 include L.A.’s “World Famous” KROQ, Phoenix’s KEDJ, (where “Hollywood Car Crash” was the featured song for a week), XM & Sirius Satellite Radio and more. Cage9’s Spanish song “Solo Fue” hit 1 on Panama’s top FM station Radio Mix in February. Currently serving as the main guitarist for Powerman 5000, Cage9’s singer/guitarist Evan Rodaniche landed the band as opener for PM5K’s last big U.S. Tour in March, playing in both bands nightly. Cage9 has also gigged with Seether, Buckcherry, Amy Lee of Evanescence, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Wes Boreland’s Black Light Burns, Madina Lake, Ice T’s Body Count, Adema, Cheap Trick, ex-Pumpkin James Iha, Godhead, Smile Empty Soul and toured from Europe and Japan, to the U.S. and Central America.
For Further information, contact:
760-315-3699 cell
I have attached a local media release and an event flyer, for your use. Please feel free to post it on your website calendar, etc.
We’d love to see you there!
Please contact Chris Waddell 760-315-3699, for more information.
Thank you,
Erica McGrath for Given Life
For Immediate Release:
Rock Show Fundraising Event Benefitting the Victims and Family Members Involved in the October Saddletramps Motorcycle Accident
April 22, 2011 (San Diego, CA) – A rock show and fundraising event will be held at the Ramona Mainstage from 6:00pm until 9:30pm on Saturday the 21st of May, 2011. Local bands Given Life and Internationally famed rockers, Cage9, have committed themselves to raising $10,000 in charitable donations to help recover and rebuild the lives of the victims and families involved in the October fatal crash involving the Saddletramps Motorcycle Club. Ramona Mainstage is an all age’s venue and is located at 626 Main Street in Ramona, CA 92095. Advance purchase tickets for the benefit show available online at: http://www.ramonamainstage.com/
Given Life is a Southern California based, progressive hard rock group. They have written 40 original songs together with 12 recorded on their original recording titled ‘These Days’. The band brought in producer Fred Archambault (Avenged Sevenfold, Deftones, The Confession) for the recording sessions on their new self-titled CD. Regarding the new lead single “Can’t Wait to be You” —It’s a sarcastic statement directed at those who shall remain nameless who’ve achieved success via ill gotten gains, stepping on the little people. After all, you reap what you sew.” — Ryan Holmes, Vocalist for Given Life
“Given Life has a very hard hitting, high energy rock sound that reminds me of Saliva and Static X. His voice and the way they play remind me tremendously of TOOL. If old school metal (and not talking to you people who think Poison was metal) is your bag and the current scene is something you look toward then I would really have to suggest checking out Given Life. If I have to rank it I'll have to give it a very solid 9.5/10”. — Michael Johnson of HOT INDIE NEWS .com
Cage9 opens up for Ozzy Osbourne at the Figali Convention Center in Panama, this week. USA Today— “the initial impact could cause whiplash, but this Panamanian rock band makes great use of subtlety too, like the layered guitars and the falsetto that kicks in just when you expect a scream.” “Hearts & Stars” can be heard on the latest version of the video game “MX vs. ATV Untamed.” The quartet can also be heard in the soundtrack of WWE Stone Cold Steve Austin’s new move “The Condemned,” in the trailer for the “Dukes of Hazzard” movie, as well as on FX’s “The Shield,” “American Pie: Band Camp,” and Stephen J. Cannell’s thriller “Demon Hunter.” Cage9 has performed on cable & satellite G4’s “Attack of the Show,” subscribed to by over 55 million households nationwide.
The band has been mentioned in Campus Circle, Hits, Music Connection, Skinnie Magazine and Billboard, as well as in Rolling Stone (Latin America) where Cage9’s last E.P. received a cool 3.5 star review. Radio playlists spinning Cage9 include L.A.’s “World Famous” KROQ, Phoenix’s KEDJ, (where “Hollywood Car Crash” was the featured song for a week), XM & Sirius Satellite Radio and more. Cage9’s Spanish song “Solo Fue” hit 1 on Panama’s top FM station Radio Mix in February. Currently serving as the main guitarist for Powerman 5000, Cage9’s singer/guitarist Evan Rodaniche landed the band as opener for PM5K’s last big U.S. Tour in March, playing in both bands nightly. Cage9 has also gigged with Seether, Buckcherry, Amy Lee of Evanescence, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Wes Boreland’s Black Light Burns, Madina Lake, Ice T’s Body Count, Adema, Cheap Trick, ex-Pumpkin James Iha, Godhead, Smile Empty Soul and toured from Europe and Japan, to the U.S. and Central America.
For Further information, contact:
760-315-3699 cell
Where did all the Real Bikers Go?
Written by The Alpha Biker, Preacher Chuck D.
This poem is inspired by a message from my bro Biker Chad. That message is the title... and the subsequent messages and late night conversation are woven into this work...
They went the route of carbs and kickstarts, bro
They went the route of Made in America pride
They went the route of the club lifestyle requirement to ride
They went the route of knowing how to spin a wrench and work with your hands
They went the route of knowing what it means and wanting to be a man
They went the route of comradarie and true biker brotherhood
They went the route of choosing what is in your heart... and not what you "should"
Welcome to the world of fuel injection, turn-key customs, and trailers
... drop 40 grand on a bike or be considered a failure
Welcome to the world where a bro could be friend or foe
... don't fuckin' tell me I'm wrong, I know it to be so
Welcome to the world of wannabe's
... fuck this shit... goddamnit... I am just going to be me
Time to take it back, time to simplify
Time to make a difference, time to stop eating the lies
Brotherhood starts from within
Step back, take a breath, you can find it again
Make that call and get in the wind
Twist that wick, get lost, fuck society and grin
It's out there, find it, set the example
Want it, taste it, take your fill, make it ample
Get your thoughts together out on the road
Biker brotherhood ebbs and flows, but it never gets old
Get out there, live the life, be true, and make it so!
Where did all the Real Bikers Go?
Hey man, where did all the real bikers go?They went the route of carbs and kickstarts, bro
They went the route of Made in America pride
They went the route of the club lifestyle requirement to ride
They went the route of knowing how to spin a wrench and work with your hands
They went the route of knowing what it means and wanting to be a man
They went the route of comradarie and true biker brotherhood
They went the route of choosing what is in your heart... and not what you "should"
Welcome to the world of fuel injection, turn-key customs, and trailers
... drop 40 grand on a bike or be considered a failure
Welcome to the world where a bro could be friend or foe
... don't fuckin' tell me I'm wrong, I know it to be so
Welcome to the world of wannabe's
... fuck this shit... goddamnit... I am just going to be me
Time to take it back, time to simplify
Time to make a difference, time to stop eating the lies
Brotherhood starts from within
Step back, take a breath, you can find it again
Make that call and get in the wind
Twist that wick, get lost, fuck society and grin
It's out there, find it, set the example
Want it, taste it, take your fill, make it ample
Get your thoughts together out on the road
Biker brotherhood ebbs and flows, but it never gets old
Get out there, live the life, be true, and make it so!
~ Preacher Chuck D.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Capitão Marcos Assis , Sub Cmt da 18ª Cia PM Ind, e Sargento Marques com os novos Policiais Militares |
Na manhã desta quinta-feira (05 de maio), a 18ª Companhia de Polícia Militar Independente de Alfenas, recebeu trinta e seis novos soldados sendo duas policiais femininas que reforçarão o quadro de pessoal da Unidade.
Formados em segurança pública, na Sexta Região de Polícia Militar, sediada na cidade de Lavras/MG, os novos policiais foram designados para sete cidades da área da Unidade, ficando quinze soldados na sede da Unidade em Alfenas e dois foram compor o efetivo da Polícia Rodoviária Estadual de Alfenas.
A intenção do Major Daniel Paulino de Souza, Comandante da 18ª Companhia de Polícia Militar Independente foi atender todos os municípios que compõe a área de atuação da Unidade que estava com o efetivo reduzido.
Dos trinta e seis novos soldados, quinze ficaram em Alfenas, quatro em Machado, cinco em Paraguaçu, três em Campo do Meio/MG, três em Poço Fundo, dois em Alterosa, um em Fama, um em campos Gerais e dois para o grupamento da Polícia Rodoviária Estadual de Alfenas.
Com o reforço no policiamento de Alfenas e as demais cidades que receberam os novos militares o comandante espera atender com mais rapidez à comunidade.
Assessoria de Comunicação Organizacional da 18ª Cia PM Ind
A Polícia Militar, na sexta-feira (6), por volta de 17h, de posse de mandado de busca e apreensão expedido pela Justiça da Comarca de MACHADO/MG, deslocou à Rua AUGUSTO CONTI, Nr 75, Bairro Chamonix, local onde denúncias indicavam venda de CD’s e DVD’s falsificados.
No interior da residência os Policiais Militares localizaram 1927 (um mil novecentos e vinte e sete) discos de mídia falsificados (CD e DVD) que foram apreendidos.
A proprietária do imóvel, L. M. S., 38 anos, comerciante, foi presa e conduzida juntamente com os materiais apreendidos para a Delegacia de ALFENAS/MG.
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Viaturas danificadas pelo caminhão |
Uma perseguição policial aconteceu no início da tarde desta quinta-feira (5), na rodovia MG-050 próximo ao trevo da Arlindo Figueiredo. Segundo informações da Polícia Militar Rodoviária, uma carreta não passou pela balança de pesagem na rodovia MG-050 em Sao Sebastião do Paraiso e seguiu pela rodovia sentido Passos.
A ocorrência teve início por volta das 11h30min., da manhã. Segundo informações da Polícia Militar Rodoviária, o motorista da carreta chegou até o posto policial da cidade de São Sebastião do Paraíso entregou os documentos do condutor e do veículo para o fiscal, porém não fez o retorno obrigatório para pesagem na balança e seguiu viagem pela MG-050.
Neste momento a carreta passou a ser perseguida por uma viatura da PRv que não conseguiu ultrapassar a carreta que transitava em zig-zag pela rodovia.
A partir daí, os militares pediram reforço para a Polícia Militar Rodoviária de Passos e da 77a. Cia PM. Duas viaturas foram deslocadas para a rodovia MG-050 e na altura do KM 360, próximo a um motel montaram uma barreira com as duas viiaturas estacionadas no meio da pista.
Neste momento o motorista da carreta aumentou a velocidade e atingiu as viaturas antes de perder o controle e tombar as margens da rodovia. No momento que a carreta tombou, o motorista foi arremessado para fora da cabine e mesmo ferido conseguiu fugiu no matagal.
Depois de aproximadamente 30 minutos de procura, o motorista da carreta foi encontrado ferido e confuso.
A carreta estava carregada com bobinas de papel e não tinha queixa de furto. O veículo pertence ao motorista e aparentemente a documentação esta em dia.
A Polícia agora tenta entender porque o motorista passou pela balança, entregou seus documentos pessoais, do veículo e a nota fiscal da carga e fugiu em seguida sem passar pela balança.
O motorista foi preso em flagrante e neste momento esta sendo conduzido para a Delegacia de Polícia.
Mais de 75 mil títulos de eleitores foram cancelados no Paraná
No Paraná, 72,5 mil títulos de eleitores foram suspensos pelo Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE). A informação foi divulgada nesta sexta-feira (6). O Paraná foi o quinto estado com maior número de cancelamentos.
Os documentos foram cancelados porque, conforme determina a legislação brasileira, quando o cidadão não comparece e não justifica a ausência em três eleições seguida tem o o direito ao voto suspenso.
Em todo o Brasil, o TSE cancelou 1.395.334 títulos. São Paulo, que é o maior colégio eleitoral do país, é o estado onde mais eleitores tiveram o documento suspenso. Ao todo foram 332,7 mil. Em seguida estão na lista Rio de Janeiro, com 135,2 mil, Minas Gerais com 121,4 mil, Bahia com 100,3 mil e Paraná 72,5 mil.
Para regularizar a situação, o eleitor deve comparecer a um relatório eleitoral com um documento de identificação, comprovante de residência, preencher o Requerimento de Alistamento Eleitoral (RAE). O eleitor está sujeito a multas.
A lei determina que pessoas com título de eleitor cancelado ficam impedidas, por exemplo, de retirar passaporte, carteira de identidade, receber salário – caso seja servidor público – e encontrar dificuldades para realizar empréstimos.
Os documentos foram cancelados porque, conforme determina a legislação brasileira, quando o cidadão não comparece e não justifica a ausência em três eleições seguida tem o o direito ao voto suspenso.
Em todo o Brasil, o TSE cancelou 1.395.334 títulos. São Paulo, que é o maior colégio eleitoral do país, é o estado onde mais eleitores tiveram o documento suspenso. Ao todo foram 332,7 mil. Em seguida estão na lista Rio de Janeiro, com 135,2 mil, Minas Gerais com 121,4 mil, Bahia com 100,3 mil e Paraná 72,5 mil.
Para regularizar a situação, o eleitor deve comparecer a um relatório eleitoral com um documento de identificação, comprovante de residência, preencher o Requerimento de Alistamento Eleitoral (RAE). O eleitor está sujeito a multas.
A lei determina que pessoas com título de eleitor cancelado ficam impedidas, por exemplo, de retirar passaporte, carteira de identidade, receber salário – caso seja servidor público – e encontrar dificuldades para realizar empréstimos.
Miss Hoka Hey, Whittany Crum Joins the Challenge Ride

She will be riding a 2011 pearl white Street Glide provided by Rocky Mount Harley-Davidson. The Harley dealership expressed pride in sponsoring "Miss Hoka Hey, Whittany Crum to be riding for 'Team Rocky Mount Harley-Davidson' in this year's challenge... Whittany Crum, in our view, is a great representative of young female riders in the Harley-Davidson industry and we welcome her as part of our rider family."
The 23-year old enjoys hiking, horseback riding, fishing, cooking and riding Harleys. In her own words, she said "Growing up in Florida you might think I would wind up being a beach baby but I have always preferred the thump of an engine to the roar of the surf. Don't get me wrong, I'll ride anything (including a surfboard) but there is something about the open road... the places you can go, the sights you can see and the people that you meet on a Harley. Nothing else compares.
"I started out riding dirt bikes when I was in middle school; hitting the trails as often as I could. Then, the magical moment when I rode on the back of a Harley-Davidson for the first time. I'll never forget it - I was 14 years old and the destination was a winding beach road. I was hooked. I started my rebellion against all things conventional right then and there - starting with my step-father's Gold Wing. He would invite me to go along with him from time to time but, ever since that ride on the H-D; I didn't want to be caught on the back of any thing else. So, I did what any teenager would do and I lied. I came up with every excuse why I couldn't go with him because nothing could compare to the look and sound of that Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
"Fast forwarding to when I was 21; I got a call from Big Jim telling me of this endurance ride he had dreamed up with called the Hoka Hey. I fell in love with the idea and after several conversations over the phone with Jim & Beth, I soon found myself flying to Las Vegas to do my first show as Miss Hoka Hey. Over the past two years now, I've travelled all over the US going to bike events and visiting Harley dealers to spread the word about Hoka Hey. I feel that I am truly blessed to have this job and to say I love my work would be an understatement.
"So, I'll see you all on August 5th in Mesa, AZ when the members of Team Rocky Mount H-D bring it to the starting line!!" - To read more stories, follow the Hoka Hey Blog.
Hoka Hey Contingency Prizes For HOG Riders
The Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge begins August 5, 2011 in Phoenix, Arizona, and will travel through all 48 contiguous U.S. states and several Canadian provinces before it ends in Nova Scotia. The route covers more than 10,000 miles and includes some of the most picturesque and challenging roadways in North America.
To sweeten this year's challenge, Harley-Davidson will provide more than $50,000 in contingency prizes to the five highest finishing members of the Harley Owners Group (HOG) who complete the entire 2011 Hoka Hey Challenge, as determined by the organizers. The highest finishing eligible H.O.G. member who completes the event, will be awarded a 2012 Harley-Davidson CVO motorcycle of their choice. The 2nd through 5th highest finishing eligible H.O.G. members will each be awarded a portion of a total of $19,000 in cash prizes.
- click image to enlarge event flyer.
Riders were able to sign up for the Hoka Hey Challenge during Daytona Bike Week at Bruce Rossmeyer’s Destination Daytona Harley-Davidson. Last years winner, Will Barclay and Tramp Stamp rider, Terry Rogue were on hand to discuss their personal riding experiences.
“The Hoka Hey Challenge is a perfect match for the superior touring experience and capabilities of Harley-Davidson motorcycles and the long-distance adventuring aspirations of many of our H.O.G. members,” said Steve Piehl, Harley-Davidson Director of Customer Experience. “The theme of the Hoka Hey Challenge is ‘It’s a good day to ride!’ and that is always the case on a Harley.”
To be eligible for any contingency award, the H.O.G. member must be in good standing at the time the event starts and they must display a H.O.G. emblem on their riding gear and in a prominent location on the motorcycle (preferably on the windshield or Tour Pak) during the entire event. The H.O.G. member must be the rider, not the passenger, and meet all eligibility requirements for the event. Free H.O.G. emblems and decals will be provided to all participating members at the start of the challenge.
Harley-Davidson is not responsible for organizing or conducting the event, it is an event and contingency sponsor only. The Motor Company will defer all decisions regarding final finishing order to the event organizers.
For more details, eligibility requirements, and rules of the H.O.G. contingency program, visit http://www.members.hog.com/ . For entry information or to monitor the event’s progress, visit http://www.hokaheychallenge.com/ .
Source: Harley-Davidson
To sweeten this year's challenge, Harley-Davidson will provide more than $50,000 in contingency prizes to the five highest finishing members of the Harley Owners Group (HOG) who complete the entire 2011 Hoka Hey Challenge, as determined by the organizers. The highest finishing eligible H.O.G. member who completes the event, will be awarded a 2012 Harley-Davidson CVO motorcycle of their choice. The 2nd through 5th highest finishing eligible H.O.G. members will each be awarded a portion of a total of $19,000 in cash prizes.
- click image to enlarge event flyer.
Riders were able to sign up for the Hoka Hey Challenge during Daytona Bike Week at Bruce Rossmeyer’s Destination Daytona Harley-Davidson. Last years winner, Will Barclay and Tramp Stamp rider, Terry Rogue were on hand to discuss their personal riding experiences.
“The Hoka Hey Challenge is a perfect match for the superior touring experience and capabilities of Harley-Davidson motorcycles and the long-distance adventuring aspirations of many of our H.O.G. members,” said Steve Piehl, Harley-Davidson Director of Customer Experience. “The theme of the Hoka Hey Challenge is ‘It’s a good day to ride!’ and that is always the case on a Harley.”
To be eligible for any contingency award, the H.O.G. member must be in good standing at the time the event starts and they must display a H.O.G. emblem on their riding gear and in a prominent location on the motorcycle (preferably on the windshield or Tour Pak) during the entire event. The H.O.G. member must be the rider, not the passenger, and meet all eligibility requirements for the event. Free H.O.G. emblems and decals will be provided to all participating members at the start of the challenge.
Harley-Davidson is not responsible for organizing or conducting the event, it is an event and contingency sponsor only. The Motor Company will defer all decisions regarding final finishing order to the event organizers.
For more details, eligibility requirements, and rules of the H.O.G. contingency program, visit http://www.members.hog.com/ . For entry information or to monitor the event’s progress, visit http://www.hokaheychallenge.com/ .
Source: Harley-Davidson
Ambulância estava carregada com 300 quilos de maconha
Aproximadamente 300 quilos de maconha foram apreendidos pela Polícia Militar nesta sexta-feira (6) na cidade de Assis Chateaubriand, região Oeste do Paraná. A droga estava escondida em uma ambulância. O motorista e o passageiro do veículo tentaram fugir, mas acabaram presos.
A ambulância foi abordada na PR-182, que liga Assis Chateaubriand a Umuarama. Os presos contaram que a droga veio do Paraguai, teria sido colocada na ambulância no município de Santa Helena, também na região Oeste do Paraná, e seguiria até Assis, no interior do estado de São Paulo.
Segundo o soldado Eduardo Zoldir Barazetti, membro do 19º BPM, diante da solicitação para encostar o veículo o motorista e o carona da ambulância se mostraram apreensivos. “As equipes abordaram o veículo com informações de que poderia haver transporte de narcóticos, e quando os homens avistaram a polícia tentaram empreender fuga”, salientou.
Depois da tentativa de fuga, as equipes policiais conseguiram abordar os suspeitos e realizaram revista interna no veículo. A droga estava dividida em 336 tabletes. Segundo a polícia, a ambulância é regularizada e pertence a uma micro-empresa privada. Um dos envolvidos já havia cumprido pena por contrabando e tráfico de drogas.
A ambulância foi abordada na PR-182, que liga Assis Chateaubriand a Umuarama. Os presos contaram que a droga veio do Paraguai, teria sido colocada na ambulância no município de Santa Helena, também na região Oeste do Paraná, e seguiria até Assis, no interior do estado de São Paulo.
Segundo o soldado Eduardo Zoldir Barazetti, membro do 19º BPM, diante da solicitação para encostar o veículo o motorista e o carona da ambulância se mostraram apreensivos. “As equipes abordaram o veículo com informações de que poderia haver transporte de narcóticos, e quando os homens avistaram a polícia tentaram empreender fuga”, salientou.
Depois da tentativa de fuga, as equipes policiais conseguiram abordar os suspeitos e realizaram revista interna no veículo. A droga estava dividida em 336 tabletes. Segundo a polícia, a ambulância é regularizada e pertence a uma micro-empresa privada. Um dos envolvidos já havia cumprido pena por contrabando e tráfico de drogas.
SB177 Nevada Helmet Choice - Get this on facebook and lets crank up the heat -time's a running'' out
Dear SB177 Supporter,
Will have a more complete report this weekend.
But for now, please cut and paste the following onto your facebook:
CALL-TO-ACTION for Nevada’s Helmet Choice Bill, SB177. Please contact Nevada’s Senate Majority Leader, Horsford. He chairs the Senate Finance Committee where our Bill went to “die.” Please urge him to bring SB177 to a vote at once! Capitol 775-684-1429; Fax 702-631-6400; email: shorsford@sen.state.nv.us; Bio: http://www.leg.state.nv.us/Senate/Current/Senators/Horsford.pdf
You might want to mention that Lily Gonzalez, "TigerLily" will go to Carson City AGAIN if it continues to be ignored. (The opponents of helmet choice clearly LOATHE me, so they'll be better able to get their work done if I don't bager them like I did when I was in the Capitol.
Also, John Bland, ABATE of Northern Nevada found this juicy article from the Elko times. It's the best article I've seen to date in support of helmet choice (SB177)! Read and be inspired to thank the author.
Include the article link when you contact Senator Horsford. (http://elkodaily.com/news/opinion/article_84778740-77a1-11e0-8b81-001cc4c03286.html.) Don't forget to send a copy to the rest of the senators and a blind one to me.
In liberty,
Southwest Ad Manager/Correspondent
QuickThrottle Magazine
Dear SB177 Supporter,
Will have a more complete report this weekend.
But for now, please cut and paste the following onto your facebook:
CALL-TO-ACTION for Nevada’s Helmet Choice Bill, SB177. Please contact Nevada’s Senate Majority Leader, Horsford. He chairs the Senate Finance Committee where our Bill went to “die.” Please urge him to bring SB177 to a vote at once! Capitol 775-684-1429; Fax 702-631-6400; email: shorsford@sen.state.nv.us; Bio: http://www.leg.state.nv.us/Senate/Current/Senators/Horsford.pdf
You might want to mention that Lily Gonzalez, "TigerLily" will go to Carson City AGAIN if it continues to be ignored. (The opponents of helmet choice clearly LOATHE me, so they'll be better able to get their work done if I don't bager them like I did when I was in the Capitol.
Also, John Bland, ABATE of Northern Nevada found this juicy article from the Elko times. It's the best article I've seen to date in support of helmet choice (SB177)! Read and be inspired to thank the author.
Include the article link when you contact Senator Horsford. (http://elkodaily.com/news/opinion/article_84778740-77a1-11e0-8b81-001cc4c03286.html.) Don't forget to send a copy to the rest of the senators and a blind one to me.
In liberty,
Southwest Ad Manager/Correspondent
QuickThrottle Magazine
Transfusão de sangue é coisa séria, afirma Artagão Jr
O deputado Artagão Júnior está confiante no trâmite de um projeto de lei de sua autoria que estabelece maior rigor no procedimento de transfusão de sangue. “A proposta inova e avança, criando mais um fator de segurança no momento da transfusão de sangue, o que se configura em instante de altíssimo risco”, afirma o deputado
O deputado defendeu, na sessão plenária da última quarta-feira (4), a importância da aprovação do projeto que obriga os hospitais a adotarem novas medidas para evitar a troca de sangue em casos de transfusão.
Conforme a proposição, além das medidas já previstas na Resolução RDC nº 153/2004, para evitar a troca do tipo sanguíneo em caso de transfusão será também exigida “a assinatura de um termo de concordância dos familiares de primeiro grau assentindo com a tipagem sanguínea a ser utilizada para a transfusão”. “Isto não exime o médico atendente da responsabilidade, obrigações e combinações previstas na Resolução RDC nº 153, bem como, a clínica e o hospital”, estabelece o projeto.
O projeto, que já teve o apoio dos outros parlamentares, está sob análise das comissões permanentes da Casa.
O deputado defendeu, na sessão plenária da última quarta-feira (4), a importância da aprovação do projeto que obriga os hospitais a adotarem novas medidas para evitar a troca de sangue em casos de transfusão.
Conforme a proposição, além das medidas já previstas na Resolução RDC nº 153/2004, para evitar a troca do tipo sanguíneo em caso de transfusão será também exigida “a assinatura de um termo de concordância dos familiares de primeiro grau assentindo com a tipagem sanguínea a ser utilizada para a transfusão”. “Isto não exime o médico atendente da responsabilidade, obrigações e combinações previstas na Resolução RDC nº 153, bem como, a clínica e o hospital”, estabelece o projeto.
O projeto, que já teve o apoio dos outros parlamentares, está sob análise das comissões permanentes da Casa.
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